helloo dr.
i want to know if p.p readings of sugar should be taken 1 1/2 hours or 2 hours.after eating break fast ? Can it be taken after lunch or dinner as well !!
i m 60 yrs.old female,diabetes, I m taking janumet(sitagliptin&metformin) 50/1000 mg twice a day,tab.Diamicron 60+30 once a day,my sugar fasting level varies 120--150, & pp varies 140 -240 and random is around 140,
1 month ago my fasting was 180& pp was 350, that time my dr. Suggested insulin,but I told him to try diet management & after 10 days or so I got the above mentioned readings. Should I start the insulin or go with diet control ,walking and all !!! Plz. Guide. I noticed my levels drop when I take cucumber,karela tomato juice..... Should I continue with it ? How often should I take ? Daily or alternate days? Does the regular use increases blood urea ? Plz. Guide and thx for your help
Hi Cuckoo! To answer your
Hi Cuckoo! To answer your question, Postprandial blood sugar (PPBS) can be tested anytime after a meal, depending on what one wants to test. If you wish to check how your pancreas are working it should be checked at 90 mins after a meal. Most labs optimally check 120 mins after a meal. The PPBS should ideally be under 140mg/dl.
I can understand why your doctor may have suggested Insulin. However, I would continue to work towards a stricter diet and daily exercises of atleast 30 minutes to further bring down the blood sugar levels, if you do not wish to start insulin..
Hi, dr.Shital, thx. For ur
Hi, dr.Shital, thx. For ur advice . Yes, I go for a 30-40 min. Walk at least 6times a week.I hope I can continue with these medicines ,(not starting the insulin) though my sugar levels are still high !! Plz. Advice abt. Karela juice also .does the long time use increases blood urea ?and how beneficial is lchf diet?
No I haven't been able to
No I haven't been able to download 3 steps to diabetes management ....how can I ?
Hi Cuckoo here is the link to
Hi Cuckoo here is the link to 3 steps to diabetes management http://www.patientsengage.com/healthy-living/3-simple-steps-manage-diab…
You may also want to download http://www.patientsengage.com/healthy-living/yoga-managing-diabetes-e-b…
As you can read from some of the personal voices like Jayesh in http://www.patientsengage.com/personal-voices/move-it, you may have to look at increasing your exercise. He brought in weights. But please do these new exercises under supervision
Here is a link on diabetes
Here is a link on diabetes diet good practices http://www.patientsengage.com/healthy-living/dos-donts-diabetes-diet
There is no proof that LCHF diet or any other special diets help. It is better to eat a balanced food with less oil, increase your vegetable and some fruit intake, increase protein and whole grains. Control your calorie intake.
We also have some recipes you can find in our healthy living section which are diabetes friendly. You can also download some of our other ebooks from www.patientsengage.com/ebooks
And yes karela has some benefits for people with diabetes. Research is ongoing but early indications show benefit. So you can continue with karela consumption. Please be careful on raw karela consumption and don't have too much of karela also
Dear Cuckoo, we have flagged
Dear Cuckoo, we have flagged this to the doctor on our panel. In the meantime, can you let us know if you exercise regularly. Have you downloaded our ebook 3 simple steps to diabetes management?