One of the recurring themes that have come across in our discussion with people with diabetes is that sometimes friends and family can be very insensitive during meal times. They may either ask you to eat something that you don't want - "Its just a piece of cake" or it could be that they stop you from even eating something. We thought we would ask some of our members and see what you have to share as advice:
1. What do people say (or do) to you as a person with diabetes that annoys you the most?
2. If you could share one piece of advice with these people what would you say (Never say..)
Thanks for sharing, Kavita
Thanks for sharing, Kavita
Here is what Christine says:
Here is what Christine says: When non-diabetics (who know very little about diabetes) try to stop you from eating food that you were aiming for or even move the "illegal food" (in their minds) away from your reach, that really gets my goat.
I wouldn't mind if they could quietly say "I know this is not good for you but would you like a taste of this" or "share with me"?
The most annoying thing is
The most annoying thing is when all your health problems ( even a normal headache) is related to your diabities. ...Hope your sugar level is in control is what they say always.