Many caregivers feel guilty and think it is wrong to get tough with their loved ones, even if the intention is to help in the long run. Maya Ramachandran delves into the dilemma with a personal account.
As caregivers, we are concerned about the…
Diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, author and neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi chronicles his illness and death in an emotionally moving book, When Breath Becomes Air, which is currently topping the New York Times bestseller list. Our editor…
By Geetha Paniker, a survivor of triple negative cancer with double mastectomy. A believer of being positive against all odds who pens, all that the mind can reason with the heart. A teacher, turned home maker, she loves reading…
Forlorn and aching I write...
Of a lost heart waiting to belong...
Waiting to Belong
I wake up thanking God for another day,
Another day to look out at the dancing trees to the hum of the breeze,
To raise my face to the warm kiss of the Sun,
Five-years after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, Nazim Lakhani still continues to question his fate. Why should I get Parkinson’s when I was healthy, active, not fat, eating well, walking two miles daily?
Overall, I was a healthy…
Although 80-years-old, my father is putting up a valorous fight to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease by following an austere exercise regimen, that includes facial scrunches, eye rotation, reading aloud, says daughter Rashmi Saxena.
Jimmy Ong from Singapore relates his personal experiences of being a patient with Type 1 Diabetes and suffering frequent bouts of hypoglycaemia to learn diabetes management the hard way
Early Diagnosis
I was diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic in…
International Autism Awareness Day 2016 #autismawareness
Activist Kavitha Krishnamoorthy, who has pioneered several supportive programs to facilitate children with autism explore their creative selves, relates the magical effect music has on her son…
By Vedika Aum, an ongoing survivor of depression
Just let the light in...
Don't block it
Don't hide from it
Don't look through it with unseeing eyes
Don't shut it out
Don't run from it
Don't turn your back to it
Don't create illusions nor excuses to…