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Image: Smiling woman wearing a sari looking at the camera tells her fibromyalgia story
Fibromyalgia is like having Flu Everyday
It was ad in a newspaper that familiarized Anju Gupta, 54, an Indian settled in Canada, to QiGong, a Chinese system of physical exercises and breathing control that helped keep her fibromyalgia in check. Read how she came out a winner. My problem…
Image: Autistic adult Pranav in a suit with his mother in a red sari and gold border
"Give Feedback in a Polite Manner, Don't Criticize in Public"
Pranav Kumar Rajgopal lives on the Autism Spectrum and works as a Business Analyst. Read his interview with PatientsEngage and his wish for  #AutismAwareness. Don't miss his feedback on how to interact with autistic adults at work. Tell us a…
Image: Profile picture of Mr. Thyagarajan, a 71 year old man
Getting Rid of Back Pain Forever
Back pain can be extremely tormenting and life-changing. Thyagi Thyagarajan, 71, recounts how he has fainted at airports, stopped his favourite sport tennis, and endured excruciating lower back pain for 10 years before he agreed to a surgery. He…
Image: Roshan Orko Roy sitting on a sofa
I Like It When People Share a Place With Everyone (Video Interview)
Roshan (Orko) Roy overcame his motor control challenges to become an acclaimed artist with his own unique style. His art enables him to earn a modest living despite a hampered formal education. He also conducts painting workshops for other children…
Image: Adithya Venkatesh, autistic music prodigy in a red kurta on stage playing Carnatic music on his keyboard
I Want To Be A Big Musician (Audio Interview)
Adithya Venkatesh, 18, from Bengaluru, is considered a music prodigy. He plays Carnatic music on the keyboard and remembers the notes of 100 Ragas. His parents share his journey and how music helps overcome autistic challenges and reinforces his…
Image: Preksha, autistic woman, in a red dress against a background of pink flamingoes
Running Is My Passion
Preksha Rajendra, 27, is on the autism spectrum, lives in Bengaluru, works as a developer, remembers car numbers and loves to run. Read PatientsEngage interview with her #AutismAwarenessWeek Preksha, tell us a bit about yourself.  I am Preksha…
Image: Pranav, young autistic person on a boat in a river
I Want To Walk The Ramp (Video Interview)
Pranav Bakhshi, 17 lives in New Delhi and has a diagnosis of Autism. In a video interview he shares his likes, his experience with photography, golf and his desire to walk the ramp. He talks of using music and his anxiety journal as a…
Image: Roshnee, an autistic girl in a blue dress with a painting in the background
I Know and Remember Many Songs
Roshnee, 17, has autism and with the support of her family, she is learning to explore her potential in singing, painting and baking to lead a positive and productive life. Her grandfather Shishir Kant Misra shares her background and assists her in…
Image: Bharat in a blue kurta and Viraj in a light shirt together against an outdoor setting. Both are diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and work in development in SAP Labs
Autistic and Proud of Living Independently
It is not common for people on the autism spectrum to live on their own, but Bharat Subramanian and Viraj Bhat have taken the bold decision to live independently. They talk out about their lives, work and wish for integration. #…