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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 7 March 2018
A panel with a green ribbon and text saying Are women more at risk of kidney disease

On World Kidney Day, Dr Jayesh Lele, earlier National Secretary, Indian Medical Association, helps us understand why women are more likely to have an increased risk of kidney diseases than men.

The theme for World Kidney Day 2018 is  ‘Kidneys & Women's Health: Include, Value, Empower’. It aptly highlights the importance of women’s kidneys health and the need to create awareness amongst women as well as give them equal access to healthcare all over the country. Researchers have shown that women are at higher risk for renal diseases than men. 

Some common problems faced by women that can affect kidney health:

  1. Repeated Urinary Tract Infections due to anatomy and physiology of the women body. It is known to cause Honeymoon Pyelitis (It is an old-fashioned term which refers to the urinary tract infection or UTI experienced by a girl after her first intercourse) if not diagnosed early and treated well. Various reasons can be attributed for the infections, which in turn can lead to renal diseases later.
  2. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones cause changes in the urinary tract, which makes infections more likely. It can also lead to prolapse or sagging of uterus or bladder.
  3. Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia can cause problems, acute kidney failure which is specific to pregnancy and more common in developing countries like India. It needs attention as is sure to cause long term damage leading to renal disease if not attended well.
  4. Gestational Diabetes can cause full blown diabetes later. This shall be in addition to the risk of family background, genetic prevalence. Gestational diabetes may pre-dispose women to early stage kidney damage which can lead to chronic kidney disease. As a result, it is recommended that women who have had gestational diabetes can benefit from periodic checks to detect early stage kidney damage. 

  5. A hormonal fluctuation in women is another factor playing important role which can cause renal issues.
  6. Contraceptives causing hypertension and related complications of renal issues.
  7. Thyroid disorders can make women more vulnerable for renal Diseases.
  8. Some autoimmune disorders like SLE, RA and Systemic scleroderma can cause fever, joint pains, skin rash, blood pressure and kidney damage.
  9. Obesity, sedentary lifestyles and renal diseases are quite common and does affect a large no of women.
  10. Emotional problems and related drugs can also add to the renal health of women.

Information on gestational diabetes updated on 10 March 2022 


Thu, 03/10/2022 - 20:01