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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 15 December 2021

Mark your calendars. Share with cancer survivors of cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and men after prostate cancer and penile cancer. They should all know about lower limb lymphedema, a significant survivorship issue

While there is some awareness on lymphedema after breast cancer, we found that the awareness on lower limb lymphedema was extremely low.
Lower Limb Lymphedema affects women with gynaecological cancers like cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer and men after prostate cancer and penile cancer. And it can affect survivors anytime.
PatientsEngage brings together a webinar to address the topic of Managing Lower Limb Lymphedema
The panelists are
Nipa Shah - Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Mona Choudhuri, Ovarian cancer survivor
and the moderators are
Urvi Sabnis Dave, Breast Cancer survivor
Aparna Mittal, founder PatientsEngage
Join us on 18th Dec 5pm IST
Webinar ID: 829 1639 9478
Passcode: 933351
Or on the livestream on our Facebook page or Youtube page @PatientsEngage
You can also check out our previous webinar on gynaecological cancers 

Gynaecological symptoms get hushed all the time.
Very few women come forward to speak about gynaecological cancers like Ovarian Cancer, Endometrial or Uterine Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Vulva and Vaginal Cancers.
PatientsEngage is extremely grateful that we have three women who are breaking the silence by talking about their cancer experience.
Our panelists were
Mona Choudhuri: Ovarian Cancer
Havovi Bharucha: Endometrial Cancer
Asha Sharma: Endometrial Cancer


Wed, 12/15/2021 - 19:04