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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 21 April 2016

There were so many good articles and infomation that came around Autism Awareness Week 2016. We thought we would pick the few we liked. If you would like to suggest a few more, please add the stories and the links in the comments below.

1. A delightfully made film on two sisters - one neurotypical and one with autism with a twist at the end. Features a communication device and shows the feelings of the person with autism quite nicely. Loved the bubble wrap

The Big Date 

2. Velvi, the brain child of Professor Parasuram Ramamurthi got featured in a video by Better World. Professor Parasuram Ramamoorthi uses a drama technique to engage children with autism in India. 

"I was working with a child and his mother, using a theatre mask. 
Suddenly, the mother started crying.
I went up to her and asked what happened.
‘My son is 8 years old and all these years he had never looked at my face. Today, now, he looked at me.' 
Drama brought the child and mother together. They bonded. Drama helped them to bond." 

How a theatre tool can unmask autism 

3. Insurance Schemes for People with Autism in India

Star Health and Allied Health Insurance Company Limited announced the launch of a policy for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The company will provide insurance coverage to children suffering from ASD up to Rs. 1 lakh.

This policy will cover general medical and surgical therapies as well as inpatient disease associated with autism like seizures, soft tissues and bone injuries, medical and surgical procedures for spasm of muscles and all infectious diseases. The company will cover children under this policy for the period April 01, 2016 to March 31, 2017. 

We are still trying to get more information on the Star Health scheme. If any one has additional info, please let us know in the comments below

Niramaya is the only other health insurance scheme for people with Autism, Cerebral Palsy and other multiple disabilities

4. While we talked of employment opportunities in the technology sector, this is a useful first person account on the challenges of a person with asperger's getting through a job interview process and working in an organisation.

5. The Huffington Post asked people with autism and their families what autism is and what it is not and this the interesting video they got..

6. Do Girls with Autism have the same traits as Boys with Autism or are they good at mimicking expected behaviour? Around 70% of people diagnosed as on the spectrum also suffer from serious mental health problems. Anecdotally, high-functioning autistic women appear even more likely to suffer mental health issues – which may contribute to persistent misdiagnosis. Read more in this article: Where are all the autistic women and girls?

The PatientsEngage newsletter on Autism Awareness Week: 5 Ways of Enriching Lives of People with Autism

Thu, 04/21/2016 - 12:10