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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 26 December 2017
Two women with Readers Choice text overlaying the image

Here are the top 10 articles read in 2017 covering a wide range of topics from diabetes, hypertension, chemotherapy diet, risks of bedridden patients, gastritis, rheumatoid arthritis and platelets. Did you miss any of them? 

1. What to Eat during Chemotherapy treatment for Cancer

Patients with cancer experience a loss of appetite and a change in taste during treatment, especially chemotherapy. Here are some tasty and healthy tips provided by CPAA that can help you cope with treatment better even at higher doses.

2. Should Parents of Children with Autism Prepare a Will

Without a proper plan, your child with autism may face an uncertain future after you are gone. Chitra Iyer, Treasurer and Trustee, Forum for Autism, spells out reasons why it is absolutely necessary for parents to prepare a Will. While this may apply to various disabilities, the focus for this article is mainly on children with autism and keeps in mind the legal requirements in India.

3. My Rheumatoid Arthritis Started at 18

Vonita Singh, who conducts therapeutic dance classes Movement Mantra in Dubai, is herself a patient of Rheumatoid Arthritis from a very early age. She shares how she fought to overcome the physical challenges

4 Simple Recipes for Gastritis

Gastritis is an irritation in the stomach as it is intolerant of different kinds of food. Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju tries to help matters by suggesting some simple recipes for light and digestible food which are easy on the stomach.  

5. My Father - My Best Friend, Philosopher and Guide

A freak accident turned a bright, bubbling Preethi Srinivasan into a quadriplegic overnight. Her struggle has also been her parents’ struggle, and the positivity she received from them keeps her going. This is her touching tribute to her late father who is still her source of strength and courage.    

6. Types of Hypertension and Complications

An informative piece on the types of hypertension. High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard. It also makes the walls of the arteries hard. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease and heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and blindness.

7. Diabetes has kept me healthy

SR Madhu, 73, has had diabetes for 23 years, and has avoided the health hazards faced by his peers. He thanks the diabetes lifestyle for his wellbeing. Plus, his experience of hypoglycaemia. 

8. 7 Common Health Risks of a Bedridden Patient

A bedridden patient becomes vulnerable to various health complications like painful bed sores, circulation and respiratory problems, depression and contractures, due to lack of activity for long periods. Usha Ravi suggests steps to ensure proper nursing and caring for your loved one confined to the bed.

9. White Meat v/s Red Meat: Which is healthier?

Is it true that red meat should be avoided, while white meat encouraged? Bonnie Lau, an Australian-trained dietitian, counselling patients on GlycoLeap, answers. Here, we compare the pros and cons of both and helps you decide which type of meat you should eat in the future.

10. What Does High or Low Platelet Count Mean?

Our health by numbers/tests series, Dr Shital Raval takes a look at our platelet count that can be determined by a routine blood test. If the platelet count is high or low from the normal range, it can provide insight into various abnormalities and blood disorders including infections and cancer.

Don't forget to check out our complete Compilation of E-Books 







Tue, 12/26/2017 - 19:29