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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 5 March 2015

Women's emotionality is a sign of health, not disease. Whether a woman needs medication should be a medical decision, not a response to peer pressure and consumerism..

Women are twice as likely as men to receive a diagnosis of anxiety disorder and depression than men are. For many women, these drugs greatly improve their lives, but for others its not necessary.

In the days leading up to menstruation, emotional sensitivity is heightened , women may feel more irritable, less insulated. But that may not be the case during the rest of the month. Symptoms of perimenopause can sound like depression. Also it may be due to other factors like lack of sleep, sunshine, nutrients, movement and eye contact which are all critical for us as social primates.  

Find out more about the effect of SSRI - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in this article.

Sat, 11/04/2017 - 08:12