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Submitted by Content Loader on 28 September 2014

Go is Cow,  Mukha is face, Asana is posture. The folded legs at the knees resemble a cow’s mouth, hence the name.

Benefits of Gomukhasana
1. This is a good practice for opening up the chest
2. It relieves tension in the shoulders and the upper back
3. If practised over a month, it induces overall relaxation
4. This posture increases energy levels

Normally this practice is not disallowed for anyone. But if you are unable to sit in the posture, you can stand or sit on a chair and perform the hand movements.

The Posture
1. Sit in the posture of Dandasana - sit on the ground, legs stretched out straight in front, back and neck held upright.
2. Fold the right leg and place it under the left thigh in such way that you are not sitting on the right heel.
3. Fold the left leg and place it on top of the right in such a way that the left knee is directly above the right knee.
4. Both heels are placed on either side of the opposite hip.
5. Place the right hand behind the back - elbow pointing downwards, fingers pointing towards head and back of the hand placed along the back.
6. Raise the left hand up and bend it in such a way that the left elbow points upward and fingers downward. Place the left hand along the back.
7. Clasp the fingers of the right hand with those of the left. If this final position is not possible in the beginning, maintain the position of the hands by holding a hand towel between the hands and try to decrease the distance as much as possible.
8. Keep back, neck and head straight in one line.
9. Repeat procedure by swapping hands - right hand coming down your back and left hand coming up. Try to clasp hands.

This complete cycle may be performed once. Initially hold the posture for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 3 minutes.



Take the following points into consideration during the practice of this asana:
1. Feel the expansion of the chest with inhalation and its relaxation with exhalation.
2. Gratitude towards good breathing and life force
3. Awareness of the hold of the posture and the stretch experienced.

Yoga practice is a physical activity. Please consult your physician before you take it up. You are solely responsible for your health while performing this position.

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Thu, 03/29/2018 - 14:54