Dry eye disease is a growing public health problem and one of the most common conditions seen by eye practitioners. It is an extremely common and often unrecognised disease affecting millions of people. It is a multifactorial disease of the tears and ocular surface that results in symptoms of discomfort, visual disturbance and tear film instability with potential damage to ocular surface.
Therapy of dry eyes require a multipronged approach.
Mild cases of dry eyes- Patient will benefit from preventive measures like behavioural and environmental modifications.
Certain preventive measures are as follows-
- Avoid direct blow of air to your eyes e.g hair dryers, car heaters, and airconditioners.
- Use humidifiers in winters.
- Wraparound glasses help during outdoor activities.
- During prolonged use of screens and long reading hours one should take a break of few seconds every half an hour so that the blink rate of the eyes come back to normal.
- The computer screen should be below the eye level so that the decreased aperture of the palpebral fissure causes less evaporation of the tears.
- One should smoking and also avoid smoky environment.
Essential fatty acids like omega3 and omega6 when given orally, have been beneficial in treatment and prevention of dry eye disease.
Thu, 08/10/2017 - 22:11