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  • Stroke Rehab and Recovery
    Stroke Rehab and Recovery

    Recovery after Stroke takes a lot of effort on behalf of the patient and his family. The effects of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is injured and how severely it is affected. This also effects the rehabilitiation effort needed. This is a place for you to share your experience, to ask questions and to know you are not alone

  • He Lost Many Gifts, But Not His Sense of Victory
    Vasant Samant, a supremely independent man, lost all that was dear to him when he suffered a stroke and was paralysed on the left side of his body. Into 10 years of his stroke, his daughter, Deepa Soman, noted down 10 lessons to caregivers drawn from her experience of inspiring and being inspired. Carrying his tray of tea and biscuits at 6 am, I enter his room. He has left his door slightly ajar, sign that he is up and ready for his tea. He has pulled the calendar off the wall as is his monthly…
  • A Stroke Survivor Speaks - "Everything in Life Can Change in an Instant"
    Javed Ameer,54 from Ahmedabad, India had a life changing experience when he suffered a cerebral stroke, despite leading a disciplined life. He talks about how he has coped and is still coping with it, and rues about the unpredictability of life. Please tell us a bit about your condition before you had the stroke. There is nothing exceptional about my condition. I used to be on medicines and a management regime for essential hypertension for some 5 years and had an exciting high-adrenalin job in…
  • Stroke Prevention and Management – What You Can Do
    Stroke is the third leading cause of death in India and a leading cause of disability. Dr. Atulabh Vajpeyee, neurologist and founder of the Stroke Support Group Udaipur (SSGU), talks about the magnitude of the problem of stroke, how to rein in your risks and the importance of correct and timely management of the disease. Stroke is the second most common cause of death after coronary artery diseases. What are the different types of stroke? It is the second leading cause of death in the world,…
  • A person in a blue full sleeved shirt holding his head indicating a brain stroke
    Post-Stroke Depression Is Common
    But often overlooked, says Porrselvi A.P. a cognitive and psychosocial interventions specialist. Here, she offers a case study and practical strategies to guide you back to normal life.   The patient: Mrs. K, a 67-year-old woman had a stroke in the left side of her brain in September last year.  Her condition: Mrs K was referred for cognitive and psychological evaluation following complaints of social withdrawal, memory disturbances and increased irritability…
  • Stroke Management
    In addition to Treatment and Rehabilitation, the following aspects are equally important Nutrition  Eat like a Mediterranean (fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, lean meats and poultry, fatty fish once or twice a week)  Cut fat intake Limit your alcohol consumption Limit salt intake. Exercise Make exercise a habit as soon as the doctor gives you the go-ahead. Exercise at least 30-40 minutes every day. Exercise will help you maintain an ideal weight and…
  • Stroke Treatment
    The primary goal of treating stroke patients is to restore blood flow to the brain. The doctor will consider some of the following options: Medications that dissolve the blood clot.  Surgical procedures that can open up or widen arteries - either in the carotid artery or in the brain, wherever the blockage is located. The carotid artery is located in the neck, supplying blood to the brain, neck and face. There are two carotid arteries, one on the right and one on the left.  Once the…
  • Tests for Stroke
    What tests do you need to have done? Stroke is a medical emergency, and anyone suspected of having a stroke should be taken to hospital immediately (delay affects rehab) so that tests can be done and the correct treatment provided as quickly as possible. Tests include: Physical examination and tests like a blood pressure test, blood tests to check cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.  Ultrasound - a wand waved over the neck can provide a picture that shows whether there is any…
  • Types of Stroke
    Different types of Stroke are: Thrombotic stroke: This kind of stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked by a blood clot in a blood vessel.  Embolic stroke: This is caused when a travelling particle like fat, air, cancer cells or clump of bacteria in the blood stream blocks a blood vessel in the brain. Haemorrhagic stroke: This is caused by a breakage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain leading to bleeding within the brain.  Silent stroke: This does not have any…
  • Stroke Symptoms and Signs
    Here are some of the general symptoms noticed in a stroke: Sudden-onset face weakness Arm drift (ie, if a person, when asked to raise both arms, involuntarily lets one arm drift downwards)  Abnormal speech Some symptoms depend upon the part of brain involved. If the brain stem (the part that joins the brain to the spine) is affected, it may result in the following: Altered smell, taste, hearing or vision (total or partial) Drooping of eyelid and weakness of eye muscles Decreased…
  • Stroke Prevention
    Can it be prevented? You can lower your risk of getting a stroke by doing the following: Control and reduce high blood pressure Avoid fatty foods Avoid high carbohydrate intake Do not smoke tobacco Control your diabetes Stay active Manage your heart
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