We have recently created a booklet called 20 Tips to Manage Arthritis. We sent it out in our newsletter last week. If you would like to download a copy of the booklet, please use this link :
A question from one of our members : Does drinking alcohol or smoking affect arthritis ?
I am just starting to get joint pains. I am told that I need to lose weight. What should I do
A drop in temperature in winter or because of rains builds up pain in the joints. How do I get quick relief?
What is your favourite exercise for arthritis ?
This is a decision that comes up for most people. Can you get by without a surgery ? .
Arthritis is not a single disease - it is a term that covers over 100 medical conditions. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and generally affects elderly patients. Some forms of arthritis can affect people at a very…
The word arthritis comes from the Greek arthron meaning "joint" and the Latin itis meaning "inflammation". The plural of arthritis is arthritides.
Regardless of the type of arthritis, the common symptoms for all arthritis disorders include varied levels of pain, swelling, joint stiffness and sometimes a constant ache around the joint(s). Arthritic disorders like lupus and…
If I have arthritis and get an infection, is that a major concern ?