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  • Portrait of a Family Affected by Mental Illness
    In the book Em and the Big Hoom, Jerry Pinto takes the reader right into the heart of the Mendeses family which reels and recovers as it tries to cope with the mental illness of its central character. A book report by Shwetankshi Bhuwalka (A Psychology Major, School Teacher,  and Avid Reader) They say the greatest books are the ones you don’t want to end. You want to continue reading it for as long as you can and it becomes a part of your world. I finished reading the book a couple of…
  • I Could Not Weather The Storms That Inhabit My Son's Mind
    Mr Manuel, 82 shares the journey of his son Prabhu's schizophrenia diagnosis at 15, the societal exclusion after the diagnosis, finding solutions to cope and live. His biggest worry continues to be "Who will take care of him when I’m gone?"  Being the father of child who has a mental illness is one of the hardest and most painful situations that one has to reconcile with in their life. It doesn't go away, it cannot be wished or prayed away, it can only be accepted. My son has been living…
  • A Hair-pulling Experience
    Shreya Sharma is a regular 20 something Delhiite with the usual quota of friends, foes and social life. When one day she hits upon a strange term on Google that seems to apply to her, she sits up to analyse her own behaviour and triggers for the behaviour.  Being a law student, I am used to appearing for exams all the time, which is probably why I am rather fed up of studying, even when I find the subjects interesting. So I tend to procrastinate till the very last moment and I’m usually up…
  • Image: A man with a baby in arms. Man looking depressed
    Postpartum Depression can affect Fathers too
    Smriti Sawhney is an experienced Clinical Psychologist who feels one should not ignore Postpartum depression signs in men as it might turn serious. Men also have Postpartum Depression With joint family systems no more being in vogue, new fathers these days are often happily sharing the responsibility of looking after the new mother as well as the baby along with their own professional demands. But men are also likely to go through Postpartum depression and most of them as well as their families…
  • 11 Questions That You Always Wanted to Ask the Urologist
    Dr Vinit Shah, an eminent Urologist from Mumbai, helps us understand frequently asked concerns about urology and men’s health. What are the five most common urological conditions you see in daily practice? The commonest problems we seen in our daily practice are prostate, stones, urinary infections, urinary incontinence and male sexual problems. What are the different causative factors of infertility? Male infertility can have several factors. You can have pre-testicular causes due to hormonal…
  • "I suffered, I recovered, I contribute meaningfully"
    An interview with Li Shan from Singapore who was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 2008 and who published her book "A Philosopher's Madness" in 2012 and is now employed by NCSS to enhance opportunities for persons with mental health issues. Can you introduce yourself? I’m an administrator in mental health services planning and development who is trying, in my small way, to speak up for people with mental health problems, to share my lived experience, and to raise awareness of mental health.…
  • 5 Signs of Relapse of Mental Illness
    Severe mental illness like Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder can get better with appropriate care. But when it begins to raise its disturbing head again in a person, it tends to have a few telltale signs. Tanya Dutt, founder of AtmaNirbhar explains how it is important for an employer to recognise and manage these situations at a workplace. Work is an important part of our lives and well being and is a key factor in the recovery of a person battling a mental health issue like Schizophrenia. For…
  • Know Your Mental HealthCare Act
    In March this year, in a landmark move, the Indian Lok Sabha passed a resolution in favour of those with mental illness. Mr.Amrit Bakhshy, President of Schizophrenia Awareness Association and a caregiver himself lists down some salient points. The Indian Mental Healthcare Act 2017 strives to rectify years of wrongdoing against those who have a mental illness hallenged and also overturns, in the process, the archaic Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code (which criminalises attempted suicide).…
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Schizophrenia
    Schizophrenia is one of the ten most disabling illness affecting individuals. Manisha Shastri answers some of the common and frequently asked questions that people have about Schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia is a mental illness affecting 1 per cent of the global population. It affects individuals irrespective of gender, race, age, socio – economic class and geographical location. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has listed Schizophrenia as one of the ten most disabling disorders affecting…
  • Physical Activity and Exercise Can Help Keep Mental Illness in Control
    Exercise and yoga can improve quality of life for people with mental illness and reduce risks of strokes, diabetes, auditory hallucinations and other health problems, informs Dr R Padmavati, Additional Director, Schizophrenia Research Foundation. World Health Organisation defines physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical activity is not just "exercise". Exercise, is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned,…
A new study out of Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) provides evidence that yoga and breathing exercises can improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in both the short term—with each session as well as cumulatively in the longer term,…
Hi I need help
Hi all! I'm beginning to have to do more work as I am setting up my own social enterprise with a few friends currently. I've been unemployed mostly for the past years. So that's why I never found my drowsiness from Risperidone affecting me. But now…
I just came across this post by Doug Leddin of Dublin. He speaks candidly about his own experience of depression, and how he's been suffering from it for the last 10 years and how he has hidden it from his closest friends. His following statements…
Interesting study from a few years back on how the decline in outdoor play has led to rise in children's mental disorders. Here is the link…; While this study talks about…
Here is an interesting article on apps for meditation: Do you use any of these ? Or any others ?      
If you constantly feel tired or like you don't get enough sleep, it may be time to revisit your sleep techniques. Most of us view sleep as an optional thing - we try and 'grab' some whenever we have time, but the reality is that like eating, we…

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