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  • Alzheimer's and Dementia
    Alzheimer's and Dementia

    Dementia is a broad term for a range of conditions that involve loss of mental ability causes problems with memory, language, behaviour and emotions. Around five percent of people over the age of 65 are affected to some extent. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's, accounting for about two thirds of cases. This community address the challenges of managing this condition early on. There may be some overlap with the Caregiver community since some of our caregiver articles and stories also relate to caregivers of persons with dementia

  • Dementia Friendly Communities are essential to offer societal support to those affected
    Dr Sudhir Kumar, a consultant with specialisation in old age psychiatry and neuropsychiatric disorders discusses his views on the importance of Dementia Friendly Communities (DFCs) and how India needs to work more towards it Dementia-friendly communities help people with dementia feel included and supported in the day to day surrounding – the places they work, live and play  A dementia-friendly community focuses on spreading awareness about dementia and providing a safe and supportive…
  • Forget Us Not Handbook in English and Mandarin
    PatientsEngage is happy to support 'Forget Us Not', a joint initiative by Lien Foundation and Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. They have put together this guide in English and Mandarin to help persons with dementia live dignified lives. This is part of the plan to build Dementia-Friendly Communities in Singapore. The 'Forget Us Not' initiative will foster a kampong spirit where we come together to help one another. The information and tools in this guide is only a first step. If you would like to do…
  • The Tough and Tender Caregiver
    Many caregivers feel guilty and think it is wrong to get tough with their loved ones, even if the intention is to help in the long run. Maya Ramachandran delves into the dilemma with a personal account. As caregivers, we are concerned about the health of our loved one. We assist with the care of/take care of our loved one, in the midst of many other responsibilities that we are required to fulfil. Sometimes, the patient is uncooperative or simply stubborn to a point of no return. What do we do…
  • Music Therapy in Dementia: How Effective is it?
    A look at how music tends to make life so much better for those suffering from dementia “Music has power for individuals with all types of dementias and it can spark convincing outcomes at any stage of the disease when used appropriately. For example, the type/choice or duration of music at each stage of the disease has to be taken into account”, says Nilanjana Maulik, Secretary General of ARDSI (Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders Society of India), Kolkata. Most people enjoy music, but can it…
  • I never wanted my mother to go into a dementia care home
    Carol D’Souza, a consulting psychologist, recounts her mother’s advancing dementia and how she and her family made peace with the agonizing decision to put her in a care home. Putting my mother in a Home was one of the most difficult decisions made by my family and me. Onset of dementia seemed so sudden for her; it started with bizarre behavior of her staying awake all night – worrying about all sorts of things she absolutely did not need to.  Her life had turned into a…
  • Palliative care in Kerala - lessons and answers
    With a palliative care policy formulated in 2008, Kerala has become a path-breaker and a model for the rest of the country. Professor Devi Vijay of IIM Calcutta provides some insights into this community-based aspect of health care.  1. What can the rest of the country learn from the success of the Kerala palliative care story?How can other countries and communities leverage this community-based model?  There are several elements of the Kerala palliative care movement worth examining…
  • It is important to talk to people with dementia
    Talk to your loved one with dementia; talk to others in your shoes, says Melissa Chan, founder of Project We Forgot, which supports caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Please share your encounter with Alzheimer’s Disease.  I was about 14 when my dad was diagnosed at age 53. Initially, we were confused because his family had no history of the disease but later the doctors pinned it down to the late-onset of effects caused by a car accident he had…
  • Dementia caregiving challenges and solutions
    Families often find themselves at wit’s end looking after a loved one with dementia. Porrselvi A.P., a cognitive and psychosocial interventions specialist, offers a case study that shows that caregiving challenges can be overcome with the right strategies.  We received a call from a very disturbed Mr. K, who was trying to find a dementia care home for his aged father, Mr. S., aged 73. Mr. K was distressed because he had never thought there would come a day when he would have to seek…
  • Care for the Caregiver
    Maya Ramachandran shares her experience as a caregiver to her parents and the learnings she drew from this. Caregiving is soul-satisfying, meaningful, draining and frustrating all at the same time. I had been a caregiver for my father for almost 16 years. My mother took charge from the forefront and I was with her, supporting her to the best of my ability through this period. However, for the last two years of my father’s life, I took on the role of ‘primary caregiver’, as my mother…
  • Image description: Black and white image shows an elderly persons hands on a lap
    Coping with Disasters and Dementia
    Disasters such as floods have an even worse impact on people with dementia. Dr Sridhar Vaitheswaran explains what precautions and coping measures can be taken A disaster is defined as an unexpected event that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). During a disaster, routine life is affected to a significant extent. Individual lives are under threat and the immediate focus is on protecting lives. The capacity of organisations that generally manage…
Test Discussion on Alzehemiers
May I please Dr Sridhar Vaitheswaran's email id? Would like to consult with him.   Regards, Bilwa
A study by National University of Singapore and Ng Teng Fong General Hospital found that older Singaporeans who lose their hearing are 2.3 times more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Hearing loss affects more than 60 per cent…
I have lost control on urine & stool also loss of memory
know any good specialists in this area in Indiana or within reasonable distance of ft Wayne, in?
in my mind alwats bad thinking comes to see foods, gods, etc. in my mind fear also comes. sleep is disturbe. dreams comes. i feel depression, anxity etc. hope less etc.
what are treatment of dementia for my mother aged 86.
Caregiver burnout is very common amongst caregivers of dementia and respite care options are limited. Caregivers are sometimes reluctant to ask for help. How can you create a team of family and friends to support you? What are the things you can ask…
My name is Souvnik Roy. I am looking for a caregiver for my father in Ahmedabad. He is 64 years old and was diagonized of Alzheimer's in 2012. 

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