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Submitted by Shouvnik on 28 August 2016

My name is Souvnik Roy. I am looking for a caregiver for my father in Ahmedabad. He is 64 years old and was diagonized of Alzheimer's in 2012. 

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My repeated queries for trained care givers in Ahmedabad have not resulted in any finds.

The lack of trained help for dementia care is a very common problem in India. Most families handle it by employing ayahs/ home help/ nurses who can work with elders, and then training them to get a reasonable standard of dementia care. They may employ relatives of other home help or they approach various elder care/ nursing agencies or use contacts obtained at hospitals, nursing homes, senior helplines, etc.

Typically, the family has to explain dementia and care to the attendant, demonstrate what is to be done, and supervise the work. There are problems, of course, but most families manage to make this work. There are many aspects related to using attendants for home care--a detailed discussion on this, along with caregiver interviews, is at…
