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Submitted by Atul-KOTA on 21 March 2018

I'm detected of asthma, I'm aged-55, male, architect - resident of solapur-mah', its getting slowly-steadily & had a serious attack of it due to several symptoms, all at once & so got admitted twice within 1-month, so now on active medication , due to which it is halted - but I wish to work towards possibly get my asthma completely off my body, so wish to get involved in active sharings/exchanging/dialogues with others in similar situation 

Dr S. Patel

Thu, 03/22/2018 - 12:09

Sorry to hear about your asthma and recent attacks. I hope you are able to identify your triggers and thus, prevent future attacks. We do have an active Asthma community with lots of articles, personal voices, dicussion forum and an E-book. Glad to have you on board. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anytime.
