Gargi Ahluwalia is immensely grateful to the Support Group of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorder Society, (PDMDS), that helped her claim her independence over the debilitating disease.
I started trembling from January 2013 when my husband was hospitalised. Four months later, when he passed away, my situation became worse. I thought it was due to stress, not realizing that it was more than that. I spoke to my family doctor and he said that I should see a Neurologist who specialized in Parkinson's disease.
The doctor, after taking my previous history and seeing my gait, diagnosed it as Parkinson's. I was given medication which kept me looking like a zombie. I could not stand for a very long time. I wanted to sit and did not know what was happening around me. I was there and not there.
In this state, I went to London for six weeks to be with my daughter and thought it would be a good change. After I got back, my younger brother, who too has Parkinson's, suggested that I go with him to see his Neurologist, who put me on medication and called me after 3 months.
I had lost my self-esteem and the left side of my body had become stiffer. My left arm just hung and my hand trembled and the legs felt heavy because of which walking became a problem. I also had an acidity problem all these years. While lying down I would just be coughing all the time and my voice completely gave way. Slowly, I would throw acid which would make me feel better. This was worrying me day by day.
In June, I got an endoscopy done twice because the doctors were not happy with my reports. It got me really worried. I just couldn’t imagine how I would manage Parkinson's and cancer together. Thankfully the reports were clear, but the shock had already done the damage. Another incident in the family took its toll on me. My condition became worse. My shoulders became stiff. I could not raise my arms to do my hair. I got my hair cut so that I could comb easily. I was unable to wear my clothes myself or button myself. My maid had to assist me in all these tasks.
My medication was increased and was asked to see the doctor after six weeks. The first day after I took the dose prescribed, I froze and felt as though I was in deep sleep as I could not move or say anything. It took me some time to get out of it.
During the initial four weeks, I went with my friends to the Golden Temple (Amritsar, Punjab) to thank God that I did not have cancer. My condition was really bad. The sewadar (gurdwara volunteer) at the entrance saw that I was trembling and could not stand in the queue. They took me from the exit side, allowed me proper darshan and let me out again. I felt as though God had taken me into his arms to protect me.
I came back home and my children got really worried and suggested that I move in with one of them or vice versa. I did not want to trouble any of them and told them that I would consider shifting in with them. I will cross the bridge when I come to it.
At this time I got a call from a lady who also had Parkinson's and she informed me about the Parkinson's Society holding group exercises in a school in Bandra. She came into my life like an angel. I joined the group. I must say that these exercises which they make us do once a week with them, and on other days at home on our own, helped me to such a great extent that I can now raise both my arms. I can wear my clothes without help. (We are given photocopies of sketches of exercises to be done at home).
I felt a complete change in myself. I am now alert and happy. I told myself 'Gargi, Get up! You have to do your work yourself'. I do all my banking work myself and am also able to drive.
I believe that perseverance, determination and discipline have made me what I am today.
I have put an alarm for all the different timings for my medicine. I have been quite a disciplined person, and that quality has always helped me.
When I went to see my Neurologist I showed him with how much ease I was able to walk and he was surprised with the progress I had made in 6 weeks.
I believe that for all Parkinson's patients doctors and exercises change your life.