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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 10 March 2021
An image of a man administering eye drops and a text overlay of How I manage glaucoma

Vijay*, from Mumbai was diagnosed with Glaucoma when he was 42. He shares his experience of managing glaucoma and his mantra to others living with the condition.

Introduce yourself

52 years old, Indian man. Active and healthy! An Engineer by qualification and an IT guy by profession.

Please tell us a bit about your condition - when were you diagnosed, the early symptoms?

During a regular eye checkup, which I used to do when I felt my number needed checking,  in 2011, I was diagnosed with slightly high eye pressure. After doing the optimetry and perimetry tests, I was categorized as a “candidate for Glaucoma”. I guess that meant I could enter that condition, but was not quite there! I was put on drops, which I had to use every day. There were no symptoms

Irresponsibly (or lack of clarity from the ophthalmologist), I just kept using the drops and did not go back to test for about 2 years. Then, when I went back again (this time to another highly recommended Ophthalmologist), my pressure was still high, despite the use of the drops – so clearly they were not working. I was then put on a new drop. This time around – unfortunately - I was termed as a Glaucoma patient.

Did they tell you what type of Glaucoma you have?

No, they have not. I was not aware there are various types.

I now regularly visit the doc for eye pressure tests, and other periodic tests. Pre-COVID I used to visit the clinic every month for a pressure check. Did not need to see the doctor during these visits. It was more me just check-pointing the eye pressure. With COVID and logistic restrictions, I go for scheduled appointments with the Doctor, which is approx. once every 6 months.

Is there a history of glaucoma in your family? Was anyone diagnosed so early? Were you informed by any physician if you were at risk?

No history, as per my knowledge.

Please describe your experience of managing glaucoma

Managing it is fairly simple – use the prescribed drops and keep testing. That’s what my doctor says and it is what I have experienced.

I am on Ganfort eye drop once every day. Was temporally on SYNCA eye drop too (twice a day) for a period of about 6 months.

This seems to be controlling the pressure. No side effects really, except some pigmentation of the skin around the eye area.

Was the diagnosis or treatment confusing in any way? Has it been difficult emotionally to cope with your condition?

No. As I said, it is fairly simple to control. Use your drops religiously and visit your doctor when asked to.

I am very particular  about administering my drops. Atleast 99% of the time. I try to administer them between 9PM and 11PM mostly. The time specified on my prescription is 9PM. This apparently works best, because the eye pressure is supposedly the highest at 5 or 6AM. I even carry my drops around and administer them even when you are out for social engagements

You are also the primary caregiver of your mom who is elderly and has Alzheimers. Has your glaucoma impacted the caregiving in any way? Does this make you more careful?

No impact of my caregiving.

is your advice to patients who face similar challenges?

Follow your ophthalmologist  - in terms of drops (even the timing of the application of the same – because that matters too!), follow ups, etc. And if a surgery is recommended, please take a second opinion. I am told that one can go up to 4 different drops (collectively) to control the pressure. Surgery is the ultimate last resort.

Also, there are myths which say that in some countries where it is legal, marijuana is also known to control it. I have been told it is utter rubbish!

Do you have any issues with computer glare? Or depth perception or peripheral vision?

Thankfully nothing as yet.

Have you learnt anything in managing in your condition that you wish you knew before?

Really  nothing I could have done to avoid getting the condition. However, I maybe could have prevented the “early changes” in my eye, as have happened, by not slacking for those 2 years.


*Name changed on request


Fri, 03/12/2021 - 19:14