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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 13 February 2015

Alka Dhupkar, 32, has been living with Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition for 20 years. She says, “We should accept our skin disease and then, as a normal person, we can think and plan our life.” She shares her story and learnings.

Please tell us a bit about your condition:

I have had psoriasis since I was 13. Currently I have developed psoriatic arthritis on my left leg and patches around bones mainly. On the scalp also I have psoriasis patches. The psoriasis I had 20 years ago is very different from the condition today. (Editor’s note: Psoriasis is chronic, auto-immune disease that causes red, white or silvery flaky patches to appear on the skin.)

What were the early symptoms?

I had injury-type spots on the leg, face, hands and scalp. These itched and bled sometimes. There was a lot of white skin being shed. 

Is there a history of psoriasis in your family?


What is your present condition?

Apart from the psoriasis, I am a healthy, working woman. But sometimes the skin psoriasis irritates me. I need to constantly buck myself up. Sometimes just looking at my skin I get depressed, but I overcome it in various ways. I have psoriasis on my whole body, from top to bottom. 

Please describe your experience of managing psoriasis.

I take regular ayurvedic medicines. I talk to my friends when I feel lonely. I have done panchkarma*  treatment, which helped me a lot for almost for a decade. I have also stopped eating baked or unhealthy, unhygienic food. (*Panchkarma is Ayurveda’s purification and detoxification treatment.)

What medications are you on?

I drink hot water, keep regular hours – sleeping and waking, and take Ayurvedic medicines. 

Were there any side-effects of the medicines?

Previously when I was taking allopathy medicines, I had severe allergy. Full red patches appeared on my body. 

What were some of the challenges you faced and what is your advice to patients who face similar challenges?

We always think that we are the only one facing this problem, but that is not the reality. Also we think that fighting the skin disease is our sole aim or target in life, but this is not true. We should accept our skin disease regardless of what other people say and then, as a normal person, we can think and plan our life.

Have you learnt anything in managing in your condition that you wish you knew before? 

Yes. Anger and mood swing management. Stress release methods. The importance of friends in our life. This is very important while dealing with skin disease because it gives you mental fitness.

What kind of specialists do you consult and how often?

Occasionally I consult an Ayurvedic doctor (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine) whom I trust a lot.  

What resources are available to you in your city to help you manage the condition?

My family, friends and a doctor.

Have you had to make some changes to your lifestyle because of your condition?

I am advised to do so, but till date I can’t change it due to my job profile. But food intake control helps me a lot. 

Have you tried other complementary medicine or therapies, like homeopathy or yoga?

I have tried naturopathy, but I prefer Ayurveda. I like listening to music and practising meditation.

Has it been difficult emotionally to cope with your condition?

Truly YES very much! I can’t believe how much stress and emotional difficulties I have suffered. Talking to myself, crying and giving confidence to my inner mind is a regular task.

How has your family supported you?

Proudly yes. Not a single member has ever stepped away from supporting me. 

Read Ravi's battle against Psoriasis


Fri, 07/15/2016 - 18:52