Fibroids are non-cancerous, ie harmless tumours that grow in the smooth muscle layers of the wall of uterus (womb).
About 70% of Asian women develop fibroids at some point in their lives, many of them asymptomatic. The incidence of symptomatic fibroids is lower among Asians.
Since there is no known cause of uterine fibroids, there are no clear strategies to prevent fibroids. However, it is good to know if have a high risk as per the risk factors highlighted - if you are Asian, if have a hereditary risk or if you have had early onset of menstrual cycles.
Keep your weight under control.
Avoid a red meat diet
Limit alcohol consumption
Its also important to do regular tests especially if you are in the high risk category so you can catch them early or before they grow too much.
Sun, 12/20/2015 - 10:32