Fibroids are non-cancerous, ie harmless tumours that grow in the smooth muscle layers of the wall of uterus (womb).
About 70% of Asian women develop fibroids at some point in their lives, many of them asymptomatic. The incidence of symptomatic fibroids is lower among Asians.
Your doctor may suggest one or more ofthe following diagnostic tests:
Blood test: Complete blood picture to check for anaemia
Ultrasound: This is done when the patient has heavy bleeding or any of the other symptoms associated with fibroids.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Helps in identifying the location and size of fibroids.
Trans vaginal scan: A small scanner is inserted into the patient’s vagina to view the uterus.
Hysteroscopy: A small telescope is introduced into the uterine cavity through the cervix and is used to examine the uterus lining
Laproscopy: A small flexible tube device used to look at the outer aspect of the uterus.
Biopsy: Small uterine lining is incised and sent for investigations.
Sun, 12/20/2015 - 10:14