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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 18 December 2016

Does stress cause acne and eczema to flare up? Does it cause dark circles and pigmentation to appear? Yes, stress does all that and a lot more. Dermatologist Dr. Vinu Kripalani recognizes the mind-skin connection and recommends tips to reduce stress and make your skin glow skin naturally.   

What is stress?

Stress is caused when the pressure on the individual exceeds their coping mechanism. It is the mental/emotional response to adverse or demanding circumstances. Skin can react in different ways to stress.

How does stress affect skin?

The intricate relationship between stress and skin conditions has been documented since ancient times. Recent clinical observations link psychological stress to the onset or aggravation of multiple conditions, such as: cardiovascular disease, migraines, multiple sclerosis, epileptic seizures, neuro degeneration, asthma, arthritis, alopecia areata, psoriasis, acne, atopic dermatitis, erythema, etc. .

Is stress a direct cause for any skin problem?

Yes definitely. Stress causes many of the above mentioned problems. It also aggravates any weaknesses such as dark circles, pigmentation, etc.. It can cause deep line wrinkles, crow’s feet due to the fact that the person under stress would be frowning and grimacing more. It also makes skin more sensitive and reactive to chemicals in toiletries and skin care products.

What are some of the complimentary therapies you would recommend and why?

All therapies which would help reduce and manage stress.

  • Exercise
  • Walks in the fresh air
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Adequate Sleep
  • Healthy Diet

The Right Diet For A Glowing Healthy Skin 


For those who have serious stress related issues, I would recommend some sessions of hypnotherapy. It is still not widely used or understood. The advantages are that it is drugless therapy. It helps recondition the mind and clear the clutter and misconceptions from the subconscious.

PatientsEngage Note: There are many options in therapy including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Please only work with a very reliable, trustworthy and trained hypnotherapist. 

Natural Skin Care Products

Those who are sensitive to skin care products, can use non chemical, "off the kitchen shelf" therapies. For example: cleanse the face with milk, use yoghurt and honey to calm and moisturise the face, use lemon juice or vinegar mixed with oil for dandruff, fruit packs on the face and so on.


Thu, 09/15/2022 - 17:27


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