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  • Childhood Cancers
    Childhood cancer cancers, also called Pediatric cancers are cancers that affect children from the birth to adolescence.  Most of these cancers are quite rare and behave differently than they do in adults. According to the WHO,  approximately 400,000 children (aged 0-19 years) are diagnosed with cancer every single year. 
Submitted by Dr S. Patel on 9 August 2021

The various treatments of pediatric cancers or childhood cancers are tabulated below

Cancer Type

Treatment Options


Chemotherapy, Monoclonal antibodies and Stem cell Transplant. For Hodgkin’s lymphoma, radiation therapy is used.


Chemotherapy, Radiation, Bone marrow or Stem cell Transplant.


Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Immunotherapy, Retinoid therapy and Stem cell Transplant.


Enucleation with orbital implant surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Laser photoablation, Brachytherapy, Cryotherapy.

Bone Cancers

Limb salvage surgery, Amputation, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy

Wilm’s Tumor

Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation

Brain Tumors

Soft Tissue Cancer



Recognizing subtle signs and symptoms of pediatric cancer. Barbel, Paula PhD, RN, PNP; Peterson, Kathleen PhD, RN, PNP-BC, Nursing: April 2015 - Volume 45 - Issue 4 - p 30-37

Mon, 08/09/2021 - 20:49


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    Challenges Of Accessing Health Care In Childhood Cancer
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