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  • Childhood Cancers
    Childhood cancer cancers, also called Pediatric cancers are cancers that affect children from the birth to adolescence.  Most of these cancers are quite rare and behave differently than they do in adults. According to the WHO,  approximately 400,000 children (aged 0-19 years) are diagnosed with cancer every single year. 
Submitted by Dr S. Patel on 9 August 2021

Tests for Childhood Cancers/ Pediatric Cancers

Tests will depend on the symptoms and signs observed on physical examination. Further diagnostic workup will be prescribed accordingly. Each childhood cancer and their respective test have been listed below.

Cancer Type



CBC, Chest X-ray, Biopsy of the lump, Bone marrow aspiration, CT scan


Thorough physical exam of liver, spleen and lymph nodes, CBC with differentials, Bone marrow test.


Blood/Urine test for vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) and homovanillic acid (HVA), lump examination, Ultrasound, CT scans of head/chest/abdomen, CBC, Liver & Kidney function tests, mIBG scan, Bone scans, Bone marrow aspiration. 


Fundoscopic Eye examination (under anaesthesia)

Brain Tumors

MRI and/or CT scan

Wilm’s Tumor

Abdominal exam, CBC, Urine test, Sonography, Intravenous Pyelogram, CT scan, Kidney biopsy.

Bone Cancers

CBC, serum Alkaline phosphatase, serum lactate dehydrogenase, X-ray, CT scan or MRI, Biopsy 

Soft Tissue Cancer

Biopsy of the lump, CBC, CT and MRI.

Mon, 08/09/2021 - 20:39


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