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  • Dignity in End of Life and Death is Everyone’s Right
    As fatalities due to Covid-19 continues unabated, conversations about death gain relevance. We speak with Dr Sneha Rooh, a palliative physician, who has hosted 32 Death Cafes for the purpose of talking about death. You have introduced a radically new concept to India in the form of Death Cafés. Could you tell us something about these Cafes and what really happens there? Death Cafes are places where strangers come together to talk about their experiences and thoughts about death, dying, caring…
  • At the changed workplace after Covid showing 2 people sitting with sanitiser on their tables, and a screen separating their desks
    कोविड-19 लॉकडाउन के बाद सुरक्षित तरह से काम फिर से कैसे शुरू करें
    हम सभी अब वर्क फ्रॉम होम (घर से काम करना) के आदी हो गए हैं, पर फिर से ऑफिस से काम करना तो शुरू करना ही होगा। वापस ऑफिस से काम करने की अपनी चुनौतियां होंगी। आइए देखें कि इस प्रक्रिया को आसान बनाने के लिए और सुरक्षित रहने के लिए कौन-कौन सी सावधानियां जरूरी हैं। काम करने के लिए आना-जाना: यदि आप सार्वजनिक परिवहन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं - जैसे बस या ट्रेन - तो हर समय मास्क पहने रहें, अपने आस-पास की सतहों को छूने से बचें, और सोशल डिसटेंसिंग - सामाजिक दूरी - यानि कि दो गज की दूरी बनाए रखें। दस्ताने पहनना…
  • A framed pic of young teen boy
    It Is Time To Stop Getting Uncomfortable About Grief
    We have to break the silence surrounding grief, especially around death by suicide, and learn to deal with sorrow in a healthy and sensitive manner, writes psychologist Chandra Ramamurthy. I am a Clinical Psychologist by training. I lost my son, Naman Dutt, age 17 years, by possible suicide. The reason why I say possible suicide is because the circumstances of his death still baffle me. Naman was diagnosed with depression and though I have seen severe clinical depression in my practice, I never…
  • How A Family of 8 Got Through Covid-19
    When the lockdown was announced,  Pradnya and her family of 8 people made elaborate plans to limit movement, adopt safety measures to protect the two elderly people in the family. But despite their best efforts, one by one they started developing symptoms. Read about their ordeal and how they coped and survived Covd-19 in Mumbai.       Covid-19 has really taken over our lives, hasn’t it? It doesn’t need to though. These are really difficult times on us, and the very…
  • Don’t Let the Pandemic Drown you in Despair
    Usha Jesudasan, who is affected by polio, diabetes and breast cancer and is an author of many self-help and inspirational books, talks about Covid-19 lockdown woes and how this is the best time to make those changes we would like, but never get round to doing. Covid-19 crept up on us didn’t it? I saw the heart breaking numbers of people dying, rising every day in Italy- it was so far away from us. Then suddenly one day it was in our midst. On the first Sunday of the lockdown, when the Prime…
  • Do I need to call an ambulance?
    एंबुलेंस कब बुलाएं?
    क्या आप जानते हैं कि संकट होने पर एम्बुलेंस बुलाना कब उचित होगा, और कब आप टैक्सी से या अपनी गाडी ड्राइव करके अपने लिए या प्रियजन के लिए अस्पताल जा सकते हैं? इस लेख में डॉ शीतल रावल बताती हैं कि सही विकल्प चुनने के लिए किन पहलु ओं पर ध्यान देना होगा। जब कोई मेडिकल संकट होता है, तब तुरंत उचित सहायता प्राप्त करना अत्यंत आवश्यक है! कभी-कभी लगता है कि आपात स्थिति में एम्बुलेंस बुलाने के बजाए खुद ही क्यों न तेजी से गाड़ी चला कर अस्पताल चले जाएँ?। हालाँकि यह कुछ स्थिति में बेहतर हो सकता है, पर अन्य…
  • How To Return To Work Safely After Covid-19 Lockdown
    While all of us have now gotten accustomed to working from home, returning to office is inevitable. However, this will come with its own set of challenges. Let’s look at what precautions one can take to ease this process and stay safe. Travel to work: If you are using public transport such as a bus or train, keep your mask on at all times, avoid touching your face and surfaces around you and follow social distancing norms. Wearing gloves is a good choice. Don't touch your face during the…
  • Coping With Death And Grief During Covid-19
    Dr Avinash De Sousa, consultant psychiatrist and psychotherapist, talks about how bereavement counselling has become crucial in the times of Covid -19 to deal with sudden deaths and inability to mourn satisfactorily. In times of the Covid pandemic, terms like grief therapy and bereavement counselling have gained significance. Could you tell us a little bit about these concepts? Grief Therapy is a form of therapy which is administered by means of counselling or psychotherapy to an individual who…
  • Stock pic of an arm, a bottle of blood and a blood donation message
    Donate Blood to Save Lives During Covid-19
    Healthy donors are encouraged to continue donating blood despite pandemic because there are still patients in hospitals in need of blood transfusions and blood components, maintains Dr Lalit Dhantole, Consultant/Head Transfusion Medicine, Fortis Hospitals Mumbai The Covid-19 pandemic has severely affected lives in all sectors. How have blood banks been impacted? As far as blood donation is concerned, blood donors are the backbone of effective blood transfusion services. Lockdown due to Covid-19…
  • Staying Human In The Times of Covid-19
    It is crucial to root out stigma and discriminatory behaviour linked to coronavirus disease and death and restore emotional connection and compassion to build a stronger community to fight the crisis together, writes psychotherapist H'vovi Bhagwagar. What happens to us when we watch a movie of the “Pre-COVID times” where people are jostling in a metro, or crowding supermarkets or hugging to greet each other? Doesn’t our brain automatically say, “Hey that’s wrong!” What earlier seemed so natural…
There is a lot of talk about Paleo Diet. I came across a couple of articles which warn us about the negative effects of the Paleo diet. Is it safe for adults ?…
How do we ensure we dont stay deskbound in our offices but walk around periodically ? One easy way could just be to have a big bottle of water at your desk and drink regularly from it - you will then need to go to the loo every hour or so and that…
For years now, I have been using the so called "zero calorie" sugar substitues in my tea - equal, sugar-free etc. Since I drink numerous cups of tea a day, adding sugar to all of them is simply not an option - and i coud never get used to tea…
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Hello to alll! I’m Cindy, a psychology undergraduate from James Cook University Singapore working on my final year thesis. I’m currently seeking participants of Asian nationality aged 18 to 40 who have experience with online support groups for my…
In light of the latest report on Singaporeans being most deprived of sleep, here is a reminder on what lack of sleep can do to you
Came across this useful article on foods that help fight inflammation and help conditions like arthritis. Any one of any other such foods ?
My daughter often returns home after basketball matches with badly bruised and scraped knees and elbows. She is up-to-date with her tetanus shots. I usually wash the wound with plain water and dab a liquid antiseptic. The wound is then left open to…
I would like to have a general list of medication that should be kept at home. For a family comprising a couple with two children and aged parents, what else would I need in my medicine shelf apart from cough syrup, bandaid and bandages, sterilized…

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