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    Yoga - Uttanpadasana or Raising of Leg/s
    Meaning Uttan means raising up. Pada means leg. Uttanpadasana translates to raising of leg/s. Benefits  1. This asana stretches the hamstring muscles and strengthens the thighs. 2. It strengthens the muscles of the lower abdomen and reduces abdominal fat. 3. This asana is good for the digestive system. It exercises the pelvic and perineal muscles. 4. It makes the back strong. 5. This is a preparatory pose for performing inverted poses in the course of practice. Contraindications People…
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    Yoga - Yogmudra
    Meaning Yogmudra develops psychic awareness and control of energy. Benefits 1. Yogmudra strengthens the lower back and stretches the spinal cord. 2. The posture helps to massage the abdomen and the digestive system. 3. It is believed to prevent and manage diabetes. 4. It massages the pelvis and the reproductive organs. 5. It relieves anger and tension, inducing tranquillity. 6. It develops mental peace. Contraindications Those suffering from high blood pressure should not hold the pose for long…
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    Yoga - Bhujangasana - The Cobra Pose
    Meaning Bhujanga means cobra. Asana is posture. This asana imitates the posture of a striking cobra. Benefits 1. Bhujangasana improves and deepens breathing and helps relieve stress. 2. It keeps the spine supple and healthy. It helps correct the alignment of the spine. 3. It is beneficial for all abdominal organs, especially the liver, the pancreas and the kidneys. 4. It strengthens the arms and shoulders. 5. It tones the ovaries and the uterus and helps during menstruation and related…
Question from a community member How to eradicate  blood sugar,blood pressure,fatty liver, prostrate enlargement
where is my free yoga aginst diabetes book as promised
I want to loose my's 80 its..I want to reduce 20 kg..    
How do i treat my High Blood Pressure naturally
Hi, my father is suffering from acute nerve pain in lower neck, starting from jaw. we tried all the possible treatments but could not get respite.
send to download above booklet
I am 50 years old and have low haemoglobin (10.8). I have not been able to lose weight despite cutting calories drastically and doing mild exercise (daily brisk walking for 30 mins). Does anemia make weight loss difficult?
When we shared this article on FB, we got a few great suggestions.  1. Release tightness around the hip flexors and calves using myofascial release. Activate the glute muscles 2. I…
There is a pic going around that fasting helps  - beat addictions - gives digestive system a rest - is a great way to start a healthy diet - Normalises insulin sensitivity - Reduces hunger levels - promotes detoxification process - whiten eyes…
We got a question from a reader about what blueberries are called in India. From all accounts, it appears that this is not grown in India so it does not have an Indian name. Anybody has anything else to offer ? Also do other local berries in India…

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