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    Yoga - Uttanpadasana or Raising of Leg/s
    Meaning Uttan means raising up. Pada means leg. Uttanpadasana translates to raising of leg/s. Benefits  1. This asana stretches the hamstring muscles and strengthens the thighs. 2. It strengthens the muscles of the lower abdomen and reduces abdominal fat. 3. This asana is good for the digestive system. It exercises the pelvic and perineal muscles. 4. It makes the back strong. 5. This is a preparatory pose for performing inverted poses in the course of practice. Contraindications People…
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    Yoga - Yogmudra
    Meaning Yogmudra develops psychic awareness and control of energy. Benefits 1. Yogmudra strengthens the lower back and stretches the spinal cord. 2. The posture helps to massage the abdomen and the digestive system. 3. It is believed to prevent and manage diabetes. 4. It massages the pelvis and the reproductive organs. 5. It relieves anger and tension, inducing tranquillity. 6. It develops mental peace. Contraindications Those suffering from high blood pressure should not hold the pose for long…
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    Yoga - Bhujangasana - The Cobra Pose
    Meaning Bhujanga means cobra. Asana is posture. This asana imitates the posture of a striking cobra. Benefits 1. Bhujangasana improves and deepens breathing and helps relieve stress. 2. It keeps the spine supple and healthy. It helps correct the alignment of the spine. 3. It is beneficial for all abdominal organs, especially the liver, the pancreas and the kidneys. 4. It strengthens the arms and shoulders. 5. It tones the ovaries and the uterus and helps during menstruation and related…
Being a part of the group who motivates for weight loss
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The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India had notified the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019. These new rules will now apply to clinical research (drugs/vaccines etc) conducted in the country (both in industry and the academic…
I want to a loosing fat in just 1 month
I want to lose weight Pls help me
As we compile our most read stories of 2018, we would love to know your favourite story of 2018 Was it one of our personal voices - Or one on healthy lifestyle -…
i want to lose 5 kgs weight
what diet should be taken to lose weight

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