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  • Foods To Avoid If I Have Hypothyroidism
    Can I eat cabbage or broccoli? Can I eat miller? Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju brings you up to speed on ‘goitrogenic foods’ and answers diet questions for persons with hypothyroidism.   What is hypothyroidism: This is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of the front of your neck. Its major function is to produce thyroid hormones, which play many roles…
  • Significant drop in chronic disease drug R&D funding
    By Julien Salaberry Feb 24, 2015 The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) has released a lengthy white paper on the past decade of VC funding for the biotech sector. Its headline finding is that venture funding for biotech R&D fell by 21% between the five-year period before the financial crisis (2004-2008) and the subsequent five years (2009-2013).  More interesting, however, is where the big funding cuts are occurring. Namely, in areas of the largest medical need. For…
  • Lack of exercise 'twice as deadly' as obesity
    Just 20 minutes of brisk walking a day may be all it takes to lessen a sedentary person's risk of early death, says a new study. The researchers also found the risk of early death due to lack of exercise is double that posed by obesity and does not necessarily depend on being obese or overweight. Prof. Ekelund says the study delivers a simple message: "just a small amount of physical activity each day could have substantial health benefits for people who are physically inactive." However,…
  • Healthcare opens new roles for professionals willing to train and re-train
    We in India and Asia will also need to look at the sector and the staffing needs carefully to ensure we have enough nurses, therapists and other specialists healthcare professionals to meet the growing needs in Asia. We need to come up with strategies to keep them in their home countries and not lose them to the developed markets.
  • The 5 biggest myths about Mental Strength
    By Amy Morin, a licensed clinical social worker and an internationally recognized expert on mental strength Without mental strength, we aren't likely to reach our physical fitness goals -- or any other goals for that matter. Building mental strength is the key to reaching our full potential in life. There are a lot of misconceptions about what mental strength really is and why it's important. Here are the five biggest myths about mental strength: Myth #1 -- The Idea That You Can Build Mental…
  • Just bounce back to disciplined care soon - Helpful CNY tips from a person with diabetes
    Ling, a person with diabetes from Singapore and a DSS team lead talks of how she deals with Lunar New Year festivities  I have to admit I'm not a good example when it comes to Chinese New Year.... I will relax and feast, .... I'm the kind who will rather skip a main meal so that I can enjoy the festive goodies eg new year cake. The few CNY tips I would like to share are : Do active spring cleaning to burn more calories! Include cleaning of windows, doors, furniture as well as long as…
  • Gong Xi Gong Xi...
    Enjoy the Lunar New Year festivities without compromising your health. By Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju. It’s that time of the year again, the most significant few days in the Chinese calendar – the Lunar New Year. It’s a time to get together with friends and family and eat, drink and be merry... in a health-conscious way.  First up, the Reunion Dinner on New Year’s Eve, when families gather around a sumptuous meal. A part of the meal is Lo Hei, when everyone gathers…
  • No more ‘sugar rush’
    Everything you eat is converted to sugar – yes, proteins and fats, too. A fast food meal spikes blood sugar by 30%. Nutritionist Kohila Govindaraju tells you how to break out of the vicious cycle of sugar rush, insulin spike, blood sugar drop, renewed hunger and weight gain.  Go for the slow burn  If you want your day to be more productive and rewarding, launch it with a nourishing meal. You will be more productive all day long if you invest just a few minutes in…
  • Smoking is not bad, its even worse - new study
    However bad you thought smoking was, its much worse. A new study adds 5 more diseases to the existing 21 diseases and 60,000 more deaths to the existing toll of half million deaths attributed to tobacco in United States alone. Death rates of smokers are 2-3 times higher than those who have never smoked and they die a decade earlier than smokers. Stopping smoking helps reduce risk over time. In addition to existing hazards of lung cancer, artery disease, heart attacks, chronic lung disease…
  • 9 reasons to get off that couch NOW
    Think you know all the reasons? Prepare to be surprised. By family practitioner and marathoner Dr Gita Mathai. Plus, how much to exercise to get its real benefits. We all want to look good, be slim and healthy. There’s one magic pill for this and it’s called exercise. Even if you’re ‘too tired’ or ‘too busy’, you need to get off that couch now.  Benefits of regular exercise Exercise helps to achieve ideal body weight if also combined with calorie restriction.…
There is a lot of talk about Paleo Diet. I came across a couple of articles which warn us about the negative effects of the Paleo diet. Is it safe for adults ?…
How do we ensure we dont stay deskbound in our offices but walk around periodically ? One easy way could just be to have a big bottle of water at your desk and drink regularly from it - you will then need to go to the loo every hour or so and that…
For years now, I have been using the so called "zero calorie" sugar substitues in my tea - equal, sugar-free etc. Since I drink numerous cups of tea a day, adding sugar to all of them is simply not an option - and i coud never get used to tea…
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Hello to alll! I’m Cindy, a psychology undergraduate from James Cook University Singapore working on my final year thesis. I’m currently seeking participants of Asian nationality aged 18 to 40 who have experience with online support groups for my…
In light of the latest report on Singaporeans being most deprived of sleep, here is a reminder on what lack of sleep can do to you
Came across this useful article on foods that help fight inflammation and help conditions like arthritis. Any one of any other such foods ?
My daughter often returns home after basketball matches with badly bruised and scraped knees and elbows. She is up-to-date with her tetanus shots. I usually wash the wound with plain water and dab a liquid antiseptic. The wound is then left open to…
I would like to have a general list of medication that should be kept at home. For a family comprising a couple with two children and aged parents, what else would I need in my medicine shelf apart from cough syrup, bandaid and bandages, sterilized…

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