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  • Stanford Medicine: Arts and Humanities in Medicine
    The world of medicine is beginning to increasingly acknowledge the potential of expressive arts therapies such as art, music, drama, dance/movement, poetry/creative writing and play in the context of healing, treatment, psychotherapy, counselling and rehabilitation. Activities such as drawing, drumming, creative movement and play acting allow individuals of all ages to express deep-seated thoughts and feelings, improve physical, mental and emotional well-being and boost self-esteem and…
  • Catch our FB live Q&A event on the Diabetic Diet
    Don't miss our FB live event with dietitian and Diabetes Educator Ujjwala Baxi on Thursday 02nd March 2017 4pm IST, 6.30pm SGT. Get your questions and join the FB live event tomorrow
  • FDA approval is great news for DMD community
    says RS Anand, parent of a child with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy on the FDA approval of Emflaza (deflazacort). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Emflaza (deflazacort) tablets and oral suspension to treat patients age 5 years and older with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive muscle deterioration and weakness. Emflaza is a corticosteroid that works by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system.…
  • Never Too Old to Sing
    The Choir of the Loaves and Fish, a musical ensemble of senior citizens, started by Pervin Varma with Regina Thomas in Bengaluru has been immensely therapeutic for the elderly and has helped bring loads of warmth and sunshine into their lives. Picture above: Ammachy taking a bow with Pervin Varma Imagine a group of people – all senior citizens between 65 and 96 – people who have suffered strokes or are living with cancer, arthritis, heart disease, dementia, physical disabilities, people with…
  • Is it possible to be an ethical doctor today?
    This pertinent question, that troubles many of us also, is forcefully raised by Dr Kamal Kumar Mahawar in his recently published book The Ethical Doctor, a critique of the health care system in India. He offers 10 reformatory guidelines that could salvage our medical institutions. Shivani Maheshwari reviews: There is an urgent need for more books like The Ethical Doctor by Dr Kamal Kumar Mahawar in the market. Especially in a country like India where a population of billion plus has to run…
  • What do the numbers on your blood report mean?
    You have the Complete Blood Test in front of you and don’t now what the results mean. Dr. Shital Raval explains it in simple terms in our Health by Numbers/Medical Tests series. A CBC or complete blood test is a basic blood test which is often carried out along with a physical examination to verify and analyse various cellular components in the blood. This allows the doctor to check and confirm any suspicions and find any potential health problems. CBC test result alone may not be sufficient to…
  • The Healing Power of Therapy Dogs
    Having witnessed the power of the human-animal bond, Maureen Huang started Pawsibility that specializes in the use of Animal Assisted Therapy in conducting counselling and social emotional development programmes to help children and youth in Singapore overcome challenges and reach their full potential. Tell us how dogs help people with disabilities or conditions. Dogs change the atmosphere of a therapy setting. They help people to relax, be more engaged in the therapeutic process and be more…
  • Promoting Accessibility through Inclusive Design
    The need to integrate inclusive design at our homes, schools, workplaces, malls, hospitals, parks, etc, especially to improve accessibility and mobility for the disabled, needs to be given urgent priority for the wellbeing of society, writes Daniel Wong, Access Consultant design professional. The world is experiencing a population boom never before seen in history. Birth rate is increasing while deathrate is slowing. People are living longer because of improved healthcare science particularly…
  • Dental Care for the Elderly
    Dental needs become increasingly specialized with age, making regular visits to the dentist even more important. Dr Shail Jaggi highlights some common gum and teeth problems that could become burdensome, if ignored. When we think of an elderly patient the first vision that generally tends to flash by is someone with greying hair, stooping and bent over with age, thick glasses and a denture to eat! But let’s take a quick look at my office! I am dentist and deal with geriatric patients all the…
  • Frequently asked Questions on Nutrition
    During National Nutrition week, we bring to you some common questions that you would like answers to. Content provided by National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad. 1.  Does excessive eating of salt increase blood pressure? Yes, in certain individuals who are salt sensitive, while this does not happen in those who are salt insensitive. 2.  What are the foods to be avoided by people with High Blood Pressure? Salted snacks e.g. Potato wafers Pickles and papads Ketchups Salted meat /…
There is a lot of talk about Paleo Diet. I came across a couple of articles which warn us about the negative effects of the Paleo diet. Is it safe for adults ?…
How do we ensure we dont stay deskbound in our offices but walk around periodically ? One easy way could just be to have a big bottle of water at your desk and drink regularly from it - you will then need to go to the loo every hour or so and that…
For years now, I have been using the so called "zero calorie" sugar substitues in my tea - equal, sugar-free etc. Since I drink numerous cups of tea a day, adding sugar to all of them is simply not an option - and i coud never get used to tea…
Did you like the latest newsletter ? Any suggestions on content you would like to see on the site and in the newsletter ?
Hello to alll! I’m Cindy, a psychology undergraduate from James Cook University Singapore working on my final year thesis. I’m currently seeking participants of Asian nationality aged 18 to 40 who have experience with online support groups for my…
In light of the latest report on Singaporeans being most deprived of sleep, here is a reminder on what lack of sleep can do to you
Came across this useful article on foods that help fight inflammation and help conditions like arthritis. Any one of any other such foods ?
My daughter often returns home after basketball matches with badly bruised and scraped knees and elbows. She is up-to-date with her tetanus shots. I usually wash the wound with plain water and dab a liquid antiseptic. The wound is then left open to…
I would like to have a general list of medication that should be kept at home. For a family comprising a couple with two children and aged parents, what else would I need in my medicine shelf apart from cough syrup, bandaid and bandages, sterilized…

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