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  • People in Wheelchairs Take to the Skies for Paragliding
    Since its inception in 2014, Adventures Beyond Barriers Foundation, which promotes inclusion by enabling Persons with Disability (PwD) and able bodied people to participate in adventure sports like paragliding, marathons, trekking, scuba diving and mountaineering together, has impacted close to 4000 PwDs and over 1.5 lakh able bodied people. Yashasvini Rajeshwar, Head of Media and Communication of ABBF, gives details about the pioneering effort. Tell us about this unique thought and its genesis…
  • How can I Help Someone Coping with Grief and Bereavement?
    Ever struggled to figure out what you can do or say to someone grieving the loss of a dear family member or friend. Here is a useful guide on how you can help someone coping with grief and bereavment. If you have other suggestions or experiences please do share by leaving a comment below  
  • Is Genetic Testing Useful?
    Dr. V. L. Ramprasad, COO of MedGenome, a genomics-based diagnostics and research company, highlights the importance of genetic testing. Genetic testing can be useful in identifying genetic disorders, inherited diseases and abnormalities and helpful in management, treatment or prevention of diseases, especially cancers. What is the difference between genetic testing and genome sequencing? Genetic testing is an investigation that looks at specific set of gene variations or set of genes or the…
  • How Dance and Movement Therapy helped a Young Girl on the Autism Spectrum
    Tripura Kashyap, founder-director of Apoorva Dance Theatre in Bangalore and one of the pioneers of Creative Movement Therapy in India writes about how Dance and Movement Therapy helped Sheela, a 12-year-old girl on the Autism Spectrum in multiple ways. Read on: Movement and dance have the power to reach out to anyone. Dance Therapy cuts across socio-cultural-linguistic divides and impacts even those who we think are unreachable, living in their own realities. Sheela* is one such person that I…
  • Build Relationships with People, Not with Technology
    Reshma Valliappan, is a an artist-activist-author who believes her schizophrenia is an integral part of her identity. Here, she talks about her initiative, The Red Door, and the focus on the mental health of youth. Tell us about your concept of The Red Door and its various initiatives with the youth? The Red Door (TRD) is an initiative to create more awareness about issues of mental health in India. It is built on a simple concept of empowerment and inspiration through social media (blogs,…
  • Antibiotic Resistance, a threat to Healthcare
    Antibiotic resistance or Antimicrobial resistance(AMR) is emerging as a major threat the world over. With high prevalence of infectious disease and poor health care, India is the largest consumer of antibiotics. Dr. Camilla Rodrigues, Consultant Microbiologist & Chairperson Infection Control Committee, P.D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, gives us an overview of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance, a global concern, is particularly pressing in developing nations, including India, where…
  • FDA Clears Mobile App to Treat Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine Addiction
    In a milestone, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first-ever mobile medical app to help treat people with substance use disorders (SUDs). The Reset device is designed by Pear Therapeutics and is now cleared in the US to assist in outpatient therapy for alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and stimulant addiction—although it is notably not permitted for treating opioid dependence. So just how does an app assist in addiction therapy? The Reset device is a mobile medical application…
  • Carriers of Optimism for the Deaf
    Mirakle Couriers is a National Award winning courier agency that employs low-income deaf adults. We speak to the founder Dhruv Lakra about his pioneering social-commercial enterprise. Your enterprise, Mirakle Couriers, is business with a social purpose of providing employment to deaf individuals. What led you to you start this venture? Mirakle Couriers was triggered by one particular incident I experienced while traveling on a bus in Mumbai. I was sitting next to a passenger who was anxiously…
  • Spare a Minute, Save a Life
    Its often fairly simple to save to help someone who may be in distress and considering suicide. All the person needs is someone who will listen to them in a non-judgemental fashion and empathise with them. Call a friend. Listen to a friend. Save a Life.   #SuicidePrevention #StopSuicide     Not sure if your friend is depressed. Read about the 5 surprising and overlooked signs of Depression or check out the Infographic on Signs of Depression       
  • The Bold New Fight To End Suicides
    An estimated 2 lakh Indians take their life every year and not less than 25 times of this number attempt suicide. Akhileshwar Sahay, bipolar survivor and mental health leader, has embarked on an ambitious initiative, Zero Suicide Mission, to eliminate suicides from India. In this interview, he charts out the roadmap for his mission.    What is Zero Suicide Mission? Zero Suicide Mission seeks to eliminate suicides and suicide attempts from India.  It seeks to overturn the status…
There is a lot of talk about Paleo Diet. I came across a couple of articles which warn us about the negative effects of the Paleo diet. Is it safe for adults ?…
How do we ensure we dont stay deskbound in our offices but walk around periodically ? One easy way could just be to have a big bottle of water at your desk and drink regularly from it - you will then need to go to the loo every hour or so and that…
For years now, I have been using the so called "zero calorie" sugar substitues in my tea - equal, sugar-free etc. Since I drink numerous cups of tea a day, adding sugar to all of them is simply not an option - and i coud never get used to tea…
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Hello to alll! I’m Cindy, a psychology undergraduate from James Cook University Singapore working on my final year thesis. I’m currently seeking participants of Asian nationality aged 18 to 40 who have experience with online support groups for my…
In light of the latest report on Singaporeans being most deprived of sleep, here is a reminder on what lack of sleep can do to you
Came across this useful article on foods that help fight inflammation and help conditions like arthritis. Any one of any other such foods ?
My daughter often returns home after basketball matches with badly bruised and scraped knees and elbows. She is up-to-date with her tetanus shots. I usually wash the wound with plain water and dab a liquid antiseptic. The wound is then left open to…
I would like to have a general list of medication that should be kept at home. For a family comprising a couple with two children and aged parents, what else would I need in my medicine shelf apart from cough syrup, bandaid and bandages, sterilized…

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