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  • Stock pic showing a young teen on the left scared and traumatised by something on his laptop. There is a lamp that shines directly on the laptop and there is a large shadow on the wall.
    Cyberbullying: The Downside Of A Connected World
    Dr. Shivaprakash Srinivasan, Child Adolescent  and Adult Psychiatrist at SCARF puts the spotlight on the growing trend of cyberbullying, the impact of cyberbullying on adolescent mental health and what parents and educators/teachers can do to prevent cyberbullying and spot signs. The internet since its introduction to the public in the early 1990’s has been changing the world at a really rapid pace. It has been making communication with persons around the world astoundingly easy and also…
  • Stock pic with the word FAKE over the news on a laptop
    Sifting The Truth From The Fake – Health News In The 21st Century
    People get umpteen health news forwards and they often forward without verifying. Some even think "may be it will help some one". Dr. Aju Mathew, medical oncologist and director, Kerala Cancer Care shares his tips on how to spot the fake news forwards and whether you should forward or not. We live in an era of information superhighway. In a way, this is a more democratic way of communication. Everyone has a voice - not just those with power or knowledge. But in the cacophony of the voices, the…
  • Open Therapy Doors For A Safer Future Of Your Children
    On World Human Rights Day and the day after World Patient Safety Day, TogetherWeCan and PatientsEngage would like to bring the focus on safety of children at therapy centres. Despite an ongoing petition in Kerala since 2015, progress has been slow. Why is a child's right to safety not a priority? In light of a couple of recent incidents, we bring you an update on the petition on therapy centre regulation by Seema Lal.  In October 2018 the following incident happened in a government therapy…
  • What Can A Patient Do To Address Safety Issues of Medical Implants?
    A global investigation called ImplantFiles found an absence of clear guidelines on testing,  poor regulatory practices and lack of transparency resulting in pain to patients and in some cases even untimely death. As the medical device industry innovates at a rapid pace and flaws found in devices trigger recalls and safety alerts, Dr. Shital Raval looks at what the patient can do to reduce the risk. How safe are the medical devices implanted into your body? Did you know that medical…
  • Inclusive Play for Children with disabilities - Facebook Live Q&A
    Inclusive Play for Children with Developmental Disabilities - Facebook Live Q&A
    Outdoor play is important for all persons including children with disabilities. In our Live Discussion sessions we talk to a play therapist, an Ashoka fellow and parents of teenagers on the autism spectrum. In continuation of our series on Living Better With Disabilities we have with us Meet our Panelists:  Kavitha Krishnamoorthy: Parent of teenager on spectrum, Founder Kilikili and Ashoka Fellow Lucy Bowen: Play Therapist, National Association for Play Therapy   Priya Kannan:…
  • Rustom Irani on the right in a wheelchair in front of a blue door and on the left is a wheelchair against a wall
    Let’s Make This Disability Day Count
    World Disability Day, December 3rd, sheds light on an often ignored ‘minority’, which makes up 15% of the world’s population. While the focus is on ‘inclusivity’, most people are unaware of its existence. Wheelchair user, film-maker and travel expert Rustom Irani shares his sentiments and outlook.  Let’s communicate. Just you and me. You in front of your screen reading this, me, wondering if we’d ever meet in person. Millions of us, wondering, communicating seldom and left wanting. Rules…
  • Ritika Sahni in a green kurta on the left standing next to a Trinayini poster on the right
    "Disability Is Not The Problem. The Real Problem Is ATTITUDINAL Barriers"
    Ritika Sahni, a singer-activist, special educator and Founder of NGO Trinayani, an advocacy driven organization, emphasises that it is important to change attitudes and mindset of the non-disabled population if we want to make the world more inclusive for persons with disabilities. Could you tell us a little about Trinayani and how was it conceptualized? Trinayani is an NGO founded in 2006. It has been working towards creating awareness about disability and diversity issues and empowering…
  • Vijay Bhende in a white shirt on the left with his wife in a yellow kurta on the right
    HIV Positive Couple Celebrate Their 10th Wedding Anniversary Today
    And continue to give back to the community. Vijay Bhende, 38 and his wife who got married on World Aids Day 10 years ago, have completed their TB treatment and have now adopted 10 HIV+ girls. Vijay talks of his near death experience, his feelings of isolation and ostracisation and turning the corner to a healthy life. Please tell us a bit about your condition I am a TB patient who has also been diagnosed with HIV. When were you diagnosed? What were the early symptoms? Please describe your…
  • Two dogs sleeping on the floor
    It Was Heart Wrenching To Give Away The Dogs
    Naved Patel, 26 year old chef, entrepreneur, food stylist, suffered severe allergy from his pet dogs that left him acutely breathless, damaged his power to smell and scarred him for life. Here he narrates how it all began. We also talk to Dr. Anil Ballani to understand dog allergy. We are a family of passionate pet lovers. At age 20, when I landed up with 3 dogs in the house, I was over the moon. I was the proud owner of three puppies - two Labradors and one Pug. I named the Labradors Hugo and…
  • Tips to Make Your Home Wheelchair Friendly
    By making a few modifications and changes in the house, a wheelchair user can be as independent as possible. Here are a few suggestions. How to make your house wheelchair user friendly Use wooden planks (in picture above) as portable ramps. Remember the ramp should have 1" rise for every 12" length (1 to 12 ratio). Put handrails on both sides of stairs. To take a wheelchair through a doorway, it should have at least 32" clear opening. Reorganise the furniture to give more space for wheelchair…
There is a lot of talk about Paleo Diet. I came across a couple of articles which warn us about the negative effects of the Paleo diet. Is it safe for adults ?…
How do we ensure we dont stay deskbound in our offices but walk around periodically ? One easy way could just be to have a big bottle of water at your desk and drink regularly from it - you will then need to go to the loo every hour or so and that…
For years now, I have been using the so called "zero calorie" sugar substitues in my tea - equal, sugar-free etc. Since I drink numerous cups of tea a day, adding sugar to all of them is simply not an option - and i coud never get used to tea…
Did you like the latest newsletter ? Any suggestions on content you would like to see on the site and in the newsletter ?
Hello to alll! I’m Cindy, a psychology undergraduate from James Cook University Singapore working on my final year thesis. I’m currently seeking participants of Asian nationality aged 18 to 40 who have experience with online support groups for my…
In light of the latest report on Singaporeans being most deprived of sleep, here is a reminder on what lack of sleep can do to you
Came across this useful article on foods that help fight inflammation and help conditions like arthritis. Any one of any other such foods ?
My daughter often returns home after basketball matches with badly bruised and scraped knees and elbows. She is up-to-date with her tetanus shots. I usually wash the wound with plain water and dab a liquid antiseptic. The wound is then left open to…
I would like to have a general list of medication that should be kept at home. For a family comprising a couple with two children and aged parents, what else would I need in my medicine shelf apart from cough syrup, bandaid and bandages, sterilized…

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