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  • Graves' Disease Prevention
    While there are no clear causes for Graves’ disease, genetics plays an important role. So if you have a family member with Graves' disease, then your chances are increased.  If you have a high risk of Graves’ disease, try and live a healthy life. Avoid smoking. Smoking increases the risk of Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. Reduce stress in your life. Meditate, exercise regularly, take up activities that you enjoy and that calm you. 
  • Cancer Awareness Walkathon 2016
    Don't just sit back and watch someone struggle with cancer. Join this walkathon or pledge your support Breast Cancer Survivor Rita Banik and the Race to Rein in Cancer team.  Theme: To reduce the Impact of cancer on Individuals, Families and Communities  Date :  Sunday, February 7,  2016 From :  Orlem Church, Malad (W)  to  Ijmima Complex, Malad (W)  Interested participants may register by 27th January  2016  At 345 Ijmima Complex, 3rd Floor,…
  • A man coughing and looking for ways to Improve lung function
    5 Activities To Improve Lung Function
    Dr Shital Raval tells you 5 tips how to heal lungs and improve lung function, especially if they are weakened by smoking. But first, quit smoking. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD. Patients with COPD have impaired lung function, and one of the first things that you have to do to improve lung function is to quit smoking. A recent study by the Glasglow University stated that quitting can better lung function test scores by…
  • COPD Management
    It is important to manage COPD if you do not want the complications to set in. The possible complications are: Heart failure Respiratory failure Food and nutrition  Drink plenty of fluids. You should drink at least 6 to 8 -ounce glasses of non-caffeinated beverages each day to keep mucus thin and easier to cough up. Limit caffeine (contained in coffee, tea, several carbonated beverages such as cola, and chocolate) as it might interfere with some of your medicines. Control sodium (salt)…
  • COPD Treatment
    There is no known cure for COPD, but the symptoms are treatable and its progression can be delayed.  For smokers, quitting smoking is a key priority.  Supplemental oxygen, which can be supplied to the patient through masks and cylinders. This supplemental oxygen enables normal body functions in patients with COPD.  Talk to your doctor about taking an influenza vaccination every year and a pneumococcal vaccination once every five years.  If possible, reduce your exposure to…
  • COPD Prevention
    Can COPD be prevented Most cases of COPD are potentially preventable. The best ways to prevent COPD is  to stop smoking and reduce your exposure to second-hand smoke and air pollution.  Those with COPD are recommended annual flu and influenza vaccinations to reduce exacerbations and hospitalisation.  Here's how you can improve lung function after you quit smoking:  
  • How to stop smoking (article in Hindi)
    There are lot of benefits from quitting smoking. Swapna Kishore explains in Hindi the benefits and the steps you can take: For another article in Hindi on how to stop smoking, you can also read
  • Tobacco control is cancer control
    Says Dr V Shanta, cancer specialist and the Chairperson of Adyar Cancer Institute, Chennai. Lung cancer, which is related to smoking, is today the top cancer in the country. Within the year, 15.5% of 13 to 15-year-olds are going to start smoking. Don’t let your child be one of them. Plus, how smoking harms non-smokers, too.  1. How grave is the health problem posed by tobacco use in India? How much of it relates to smoking cigarettes, beedis and how much is it due to consumption of gutka,…
  • I'll stay off smoking come what may
    Asok Mitra, 80, used to smoke almost 100 cigarettes a day. He has been smoke-free for 40 years, but tobacco has taken its toll. He tells us why and how he quit.  1. Please tell us a bit about your condition. I am prone to chest infections and pneumonia. My lungs are impaired and do not work at optimum capacity. Years ago, I was told that my lungs were working at 70% of their capacity. 2. How long have you been suffering from this? This has been the situation for at…
  • Stop Your Child Smoking
    Why your child is at risk and what to say to him or her. By Dr Shital Raval Patel. When you think of a smoker, you don’t think of a 10-year-old. But 67% of smokers in India start the tobacco habit between the ages of 9 and 15. According to the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (2006), more than one third of students aged 13 to 15 years (36.8%) reported initiating tobacco use before the age of 10 (Sinha et al., 2008). This could be cigarettes, bidis (which have three times the amount of nicotine and…… According to the study -- Global Tobacco Atlas -- consumption of tobacco claims 17,887 lives in the country every week. In another news report Sharad Pawar, a cancer survivor,…
If you needed another reason to quit smoking: According to a recent study daughters were almost four times likelier to be nicotine-dependent when their mom was, and more than twice as likely if their mom was a former smoker, but they were unaffected…
Curbing smoking is very important to India for two reasons: About one million Indians die from smoking-related causes every year, which are among the top three ways to die. Smoking also saps Indians of money; more money, it emerges, than…
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