Dermatologist Dr Belinda Vaz delves deep into the causes, types and preventive measures for Atopic Dermatitis or eczema in children.
What is Atopic Dermatitis or childhood eczema?
The word ‘eczema’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘to boil over’. Eczema is a red itchy rash. It is a general term that includes several types of inflammation of the skin. Atopic Dermatitis is the most common of the many types of eczema. Atopy refers to a group of diseases, where there is an inherited…
Diabetic Macular Edema is a complication of diabetes and can impact vision if left undiagnosed and untreated. It affects persons with both Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Dr. Padmaja Kumari Rani, Network Head, Tele-Ophthalmology and Vitreoretinal surgeon, Consultant Ophthalmologist, L V Prasad Eye Institute answers questions on the risk factors, treatment and prevention of Diabetic Macular Edema
The video below covers the following topics:
What is Diabetic Macular Edema?
Mohit Gupta, 34 from Delhi is visually impaired since birth. He has learnt to overcome his vision problems by adopting assistive technologies which help him negotiate his professional and personal space.
How would you like to introduce yourself?
I am someone who is very positive and looks at every opportunity that he wants to utilize to improve himself as well as others around him. I work in my family business.
Please tell us a bit about your condition
I am visually impaired…
PatientsEngage has partnered with iHOPE to highlight the importance of vision rehabilitation and how early intervention can help a person with low vision or blindness live productive lives.
India has an estimated 12 million blind and 50 million visually impaired persons using the definition of National Programme for Control of Blindness. However awareness of vision rehabilitation is still very low.
PatientsEngage has partnered with iHOPE to highlight the importance of vision rehabilitation…
शुष्क त्वचा से कई लोग प्रभावित होते हैं पर शोग्रेन्स सिंड्रोम वाले लोगों में शुष्क त्वचा एक विशेष चुनौती है। नीचे देखें शोग्रेन्स इंडिया द्व्रारा प्रकाशित एक पर्चा जिसमें शुष्क त्वचा से बचाव और उसके उपचार के लिए कुछ टिप्स हैं।
शोग्रेन्स सिंड्रोम से उत्पन्न शुष्क त्वचा की विशेष देखभाल जरूरी है। खुजली, लालिमा, फटना या गलना – यह सब शुष्क त्वचा के लक्षण हैं। शुष्क त्वचा का प्रमुख कारण है शोग्रेंस द्वारा शरीर में प्रतिरोधक क्षमता की कमी और इससे नमी पैदा करने वाली ग्रंथियों का निष्क्रिय…
Age related Macular Degeneration (ARMD or AMD), a condition that affects the central vision of a person, is an acquired cause of retinal degeneration and a growing cause of blindness in the elderly. Dr. Niroj Sahoo, Consultant Opthalmologist, LV Prasad Eye Institute address the topic of Age related macular degeneration.
A must for anyone interested in elder care or geriatric care.
The video covers the following topics:
What is Age related Macular Degeneration
Symptoms of Types of ARMD…
Aakansha Khadiya is a fun loving foodie who loves trying out different cuisines, loves dancing and travelling and yet has to grapple with a condition which is not understood, is difficult to diagnose but affects the body in various ways.
Please tell us a bit about your condition
I am suffering from a number of autoimmune diseases namely Scleroderma, Raynaud’s Phenomenon, Sjogren’s Syndrome since the past 14 years.
When were you diagnosed?
I was diagnosed with Scleroderma at 17 just after…
Vision Rehabilitation is recommended for people with no vision or low vision, both children and adults, to enable them to live as independently as possible. Ms. Beula Christy, PhD, Head, Institute for Vision Rehabilitation L V Prasad Eye Institute explains how vision rehabilitation can be customised to suit the specific needs of the people concerned.
What is Vision Rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation is an essential health service that focuses on the functioning of an individual to live as…
Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in India. If managed well, you can prevent loss of vision and maintain a good quality of life.
PatientsEngage has partnered with IHOPE to bring to you insights on how to manage glaucoma effectively.
Our panelists for this discussion on 18th April were
Viji Venkatesh, Glaucoma patient advocate
Dr. Sirisha Senthil, Head VST Glaucoma Centre, LV Prasad Eye Institute
Many people don’t understand this disease or know about it. Even members of the…
Rekha Khanduri, 73 from Mumbai has diabetes for a while and lost her eyesight due to diabetic retinopathy, a diabetes related complication. She talks about how she has since learnt to live with such an irreparable loss.
Please tell us a bit about your condition :
I have Blood Pressure as well as diabetes. In fact, I lost my left eye due to diabetes.
When were you diagnosed with diabetes?
About 35 years back. Diabetes runs in the family as both my grandfathers had it. My paternal grandfather had…
my skin used to be very flawless and clear but from some last weeks my face starts itching with some burning sensation and also get red spots on face..but only on right side of the face. .on left side of face i don't have any problem.. tell me what…
I have itchiness on upper part of hands and lower portion of legs for some days but not continues I have renal stone of 7mm on right kidney but normal creatinine and blood sugar level what I do
My daughter in law is suffering from vitaligo from age of 20 with about 60% white she is 33 and married and a son aged 2yrs. We have given full psychological support.
Will cmc vellore (TN) dermotologists be right place to get medical…