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  • Coping With Covid-19 Pandemic

    The Covid-19 Pandemic has upset our lives in an unprecedented fashion. Over the last few months we have been adding resources in English and Hindi. You can find a range of resources from managing the condition, mental health issues related to the pandemic and personal lived experiences. 

  • 12 Tips On Handling Home Quarantine and Lockdown
    As we move into varying degrees of home quarantine, stay home setting and lockdown, Shital Raval compiles a list of tips for handling this situation. As psychotherapist H'vovi Bhagwagar said in the webinar (video link below), its important to start with Acceptance of the situation.  The word “quarantine” first came into place during the Plague epidemic in Italy. But to be clear, quarantine and isolation are two different and separate things. Quarantine means confinement of individuals who…
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