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  • Alzheimer's and Dementia
    Alzheimer's and Dementia

    Dementia is a broad term for a range of conditions that involve loss of mental ability causes problems with memory, language, behaviour and emotions. Around five percent of people over the age of 65 are affected to some extent. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's, accounting for about two thirds of cases. This community address the challenges of managing this condition early on. There may be some overlap with the Caregiver community since some of our caregiver articles and stories also relate to caregivers of persons with dementia

  • A woman in bed being tended to by a person in green scrubs with a stethoscope
    We Need More Palliative Care Centres For Neurological Disorders
    With growing occurrences of neurological disorders, an increased collaboration between neurology and palliative care or neuropalliative care services has become imperative, stresses Dr.Kaustubh Mahajan, neurologist at Hinduja Hospital, Khar. Also an extract from a paper presented by neurologist Dr Roopkumar Gursahani. What is the role of palliative care in patients with neurological diseases? There's a definite and very important role of palliative care in neurological diseases. There are so…
  • Dealing With The Behavioural Challenges Of Alzheimer's
    Nishi Pulugurtha writes about the challenges of being a caregiver to an Alzheimer’s patient, her mother, and the travails that came with it. “Let us go home,” Amma said this often. There was nothing strange about this sentence, all of us would love to be back home at some point of time or other. What makes Amma’s statement important is that when she said this, she was actually at home. I used to tell her that. It made her keep quiet for a while. She would go back to doing something. It was…
  • Webinar: Living Better With Parkinson's Disease: The Early Stages
    Announcing the next webinar in our ‘Living Better’ series and focus at the early stages of Parkinson's Disease. In partnership with PDMDS. This session will cover how patients dealt with their diagnosis, the various activities they engage in, the challenges posed due to their symptoms, changes in lifestyle, how it affects relationships, and perspectives in life. We speak with persons with Parkinsons and Head of therapy & research at the PDMDS on strategies and activities that help manage…
  • Getting a Dementia Diagnosis: Clear and Practical Suggestions for Families
    Swapna Kishore, a dementia resource person, talks to Dr. CT Sudhir Kumar on the importance of getting a dementia diagnosis and not treating it as a normal ageing process, how to select the right doctor, how to plan for a doctor consultation, the tests that the doctor may prescribe and how to plan reviews with your doctor.   When someone shows symptoms like memory problems, confusion, unclear speech, inability to plan, or strange behaviour, we may wonder whether this is dementia and…
  • Leading Causes And Precautionary Interventions For Falls in Persons With Dementia
    Ms. Ayush Chandra and Ms. Sradha Madan Ray under the guidance of DEMCARES, SCARF India write about the leading causes for falls in persons with dementia and how caregivers can prevent these falls.  According to WHO risk of falls in old age increases due to several factors such as changes in physical function, sensory input, and cognition. For a patient with cognitive impairment the risk is doubled and can lead to more complications (Scala G & Kraemer, 2009). Being aware of the…
  • Tips for Caregivers of Alzheimer's Patients
    Our Best Tips From Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer's and Dementia
    World Alzheimer's Day 2018 Alzheimer’s is hard, but as we care for our loved ones, we gain experience that can help others. Read the best tips from Shibani Ganguly, Vimal Balachander and Carol Fernandes, caregivers of persons with dementia.  Share your insights. If we share our knowledge, we can all manage better. #YourExperienceMatters    
  • Mausumi, a dark haired woman on the right with her mother, a person with dementia on the left. Mother is wearing specs and  a bindi on her forehead and you can see the blue and white sari draped around her shoulders
    Patience And Innovation Are The Most Important Attributes Of A Caregiver For Persons With Dementia
    Mausumi Ghosh from Mumbai talks about the travails of taking care of her mother, 77 who suffers from dementia in addition to other conditions like osteosporosis. My mother is an osteoporosis patient from 2003 when she underwent hip replacement operation in Mumbai. She recovered from the same very well and was mobile and independent till she met with a ‘fall’ at home in 2010 and broke her ‘femur bone’ (left leg). She got herself operated twice in Kolkata in AMRI hospital and both the times the ‘…
  • Stock pic of a younger person in a white top and black pant supporting and holding hands with a seated silver haired elderly lady in a green top
    How To Support A Grieving Person With Dementia
    Caregivers of persons with dementia are often unsure how to talk about the loss of a family member or friend. Porrselvi A.P., a cognitive and psychosocial interventions specialist shares tips on how to break the news and how to help the person with dementia deal with the news. Supporting a person with dementia who is grieving the death of someone close to them cope with the loss is challenging for many caregivers. Often, in the daily grind of caring for a person with dementia we forget that…
  • Image Description: An elderly person with a walker and supported by a caregiver
    12 Confusing and Overlapping Symptoms in the Elderly
    Symptoms like weight loss, memory loss, weakness, and fatigue should not be mistaken as a sign of the"normal aging" process. Dr. Shital Patel explains 12 common but misleading symptoms in the elderly and why you should seek a doctor's opinion instead of ignoring them.  Symptoms in the elderly can have very different causes than they may have in a young person. Many symptoms in the geriatric population may be masked by concurrent chronic ailments, injuries, age-related physiological…
  • Ebook on Behavioural and Psychological symptoms of dementia and how to handle challenging behaviour
    Managing Behavioural Challenges in Dementia - E-Book
    Dementia is recognized as a global health concern. It is a neurocognitive disorder, which is primarily prevalent in the elderly population. The symptoms include significant memory loss with impairments in other cognitive functions and behavioural manifestations. It has been found that certain characteristics of dementia, especially agitation and aggression can cause severe distress to the caregivers. The undesirable and distressing behavioural manifestations have been termed as ‘Challenging…
Understanding persons with Alzheimer's or Dementia is a huge challenge and its draining looking after them. So if you have any questions, any comments we look forward to hearing from you. 

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