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Submitted by josh on 22 June 2016


I am suffering from indigestion since last 11 years, after I eat anything a light pain start in my stomach and within an hour I have to go to the restroom and I get relief, I have taken numerous medicines from Allopathy, Ayurved, Homeopathy with no success, please advice

Thanks & Regards




Following questions need to be answered. where exactly is the pain (upper/ lower/ sideways)? How severe it is? How many times in a day you need to go to toilet? Does you stool has black colour, mucous feel, or watery loose or huge quantity?
One needs to exclude Peptic (Gastric) Ulcer, Amoebic Colitis, Cholecystitis. To my mind, this seems to be Amoebic Colitis (infection of large intestine due to Amoeba). the treatment of Amoebiasis is very difficult as the Amoebae are less responsive to any anthelminthics/ antibiotics. I suggest a course of Norflox-TZ @ dose of 1 tab twice a day for minimum 14 days. Along with it take multiviamins, @ one daily and Omiprazole @ one tab twice daily.
There are a few side effects viz. metallic taste in mouth, intolerance to alcohol. So abstain from alcohol during treatment. Avoid oily/ spicy/ heavy meals. Rely more on simple meals/ green leafy veg. Avoid overeating. Under eating by 10-20% is beneficial. you can take small frequent meals.

Thanks Dr Krishnan,

There is a light pain in lower part of my stomach, after every meal I need to go to the restroom and get relieved, my stool is normal brown colour and most of the times it is loose, let me know if I can start the medication which u prescribed also I want to add that I am into continuous night shifts Monday to Friday.

Thanks & Regards,



Wed, 06/22/2016 - 19:18

Thank you Dr. Krishn. Could it also be IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Josh - do let us know if you have tried out Dr. Krishn's suggestions and what your doctor has suggested.
