Interesting study from a few years back on how the decline in outdoor play has led to rise in children's mental disorders. Here is the link…;
While this study talks about the situation in America, I suspect this also applies to urban cities in Asia where unstructured play time is reducing and more and more structured activities are being set up by parents for their children. The reasons could vary - from being over protective to maximising the activities the kids are involved in to continuous access to screens and technology. Time for parents to reflect on this
A very relevant and important
A very relevant and important issue which most of us in urban cities, have been facing since past few years.
I truly feel sad for our children today. They are living in times of multiple opportunities and the best of facilities , where the world has actually become their oyster. But this is where it stops. Simply because to be a global citizen one needs to first step out in one's immediate neighbourhood. To learn the realities of life , of public relations, team work , leadership and problem solving. Which can be best learnt when children interact with other children in an unstructured environment, like us parents did when we were young. But unfortunately we are living in dark unsafe times. Even stepping out of one's home has become a mission - where one needs to be careful...careful of who's watching you, who's lurking in the shadows or inside a seemingly harmless looking person. So our kids stay indoors harming their physical & mental health , just so they remain safe. A paradox!
Jhilmil and Vedi, you both
Jhilmil and Vedi, you both make great points. We really need to create spaces for kids to be able to play safely and for adults and even the elderly to get out and get some air (can't call it fresh anymore), play and exercise. I hear so many people say it is unsafe for them to go out for a walk. But to come back to the original topic, the kids of today are rarely allowed unstructured play time - especially without a tech device or a screen to latch on to.
I believe the issues being
I believe the issues being raised here are timely and pertinent.
Research has shown that children are now spending more time than ever staring at screens. This alone time, this instant gratification culture, this shortened attention span, all lead to labels like ADHD, wth a spate of other symptoms, like irritability, the increased probability of needing glasses earlier, becoming more and more isolated and introverted, etc.
And the sad part is, that once a child is labeled, they are labeled and judged forever, through that diagnosis.
There are several things to question, but one important one is parent's blind faith in doctors and psychiatrists.
Why not let your child be a child? To run, play, climb trees, explore? Sure, it is easier to give your child an iPad and for them to watch and play while you cook or work, but it's really so much more beneficial to take them to the park, help them fly a kite, get them involved in a team sport like soccer, or even tennis.