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Submitted by RamaCare3 on 2 March 2015

One of the most important things that Caregivers need to do for themselves and their loved ones is to take breaks. It is so vital to take time to focus on oneself, recharge, and get some rest. If a Caregiver does not take breaks, it can lead to burnout, anger, resentment, stress, and poor health. None of these things help the patient, although many Caregivers insist they are not taking breaks because they feel they have to be there for their loved one. If Caregivers don't time time for themselves, they will not be able to give the best care to their loved one and will be harming their own health and mental well-being. There are lots of simple ways to take small breaks during the day without compromising on one's Caregiving duties. Taking a short walk in the morning before everyone wakes up, taking a nap or reading a book when your loved one is resting, asking another relative or friend to sit with the patient while the Caregiver can take a break and go shopping or relax. What are some ways members of this group find the time to take breaks? What do you like to do to take a break? 


1. listen to your favorite music 2. some physical activity like walking within the house or a short walk outside 3. eat some fruits 4. even watch some program on TV to take your mind off

kavita behl

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 13:25

I had to call another relative if I needed a break.I made it a point to give my hired help 2 days off in a month.It is very important to take a break and relax have some alone time or go out with friends may be watch s favourite movie.always felt rejuvenated after a break and was able to take better care

Madhu Sinha Roy

Tue, 03/03/2015 - 13:45

Speaking more as a bystander than a full-time caregiver, I would say, a bit of time spent with friends is of great value. People I know who are full-time caregivers, say that a bit of time talking of things aside from caregiving or medical issues, offers relief.


Wed, 03/11/2015 - 05:53

Almost everyone is creative and has hobbies, especially during their childhood and teens. Just to revive that in short sessions, enlivens our mind and boosts the morale. That is what I do. Also I listen to spiritual talks, which gives a new paradigm shift to our very caregiving itself.Yes, I get frustrated and angry at times, but I am able to accept these as a natural response to a very difficult situation, and am at peace.
