Do you have a list of Do's and Don'ts when you travel
Special tips for Diabetes
Special tips for Diabetes include: carrying small snacks on you in case of delays; scheduling meals according to the time zones; order special diabetic meal on air planes; inform security check about insulin pump; always keep insulin at room temperature, hence carry insulin in your carry-on luggage; do stretching exercises and walking esp. while flying to improve blood circulation.
I like to always keep a check
I like to always keep a check list of all I need before I travel, such as :
1. Carry all my prescribed meds including a few extra if I get stuck anywhere.
2. Carry emergency meds like Imodium, antacids, pain-killers, cold & cough medicine in case I fall ill.
3. Take the required vaccines for certain countries such as Hep A or Yellow fever.
4. Get Medical insurance for the trip.
5. Carry my phone book with all my emergency contact phone numbers.
6. Drink plenty of water while flying.