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Submitted by BK Ravi Kumar Gupta on 24 February 2018

My Mom has rheumatoid arthritis. But I could not understand that why has she sleep disorder. She could not able to sleep and needs sleeping pills daily basis. We do not want to give her sleeping pills. Please help.

No obvious link .
But good sleep v essential to improve immunity.
if no natural sleep possible,whatever reason, she def needs tablets to induce sleep.
Whether caregiver wants it or not..
Otherwise, she will get more frequent flare ups of pain and inflammation .

Yes, RA consultant said that if you feel immense pain in sleeping time, you can not sleep. Pain does not let you sleep. The doctor said we are giving good treatment so that she can not feel pain and she can sleep. But my mom is still complaining... My mom used to take sleep medicines..

Now doctor stop that sleeping medicine because it was not good for health. He has prescribed another medicine for her. Let see
