Can any one guide me on finding jobs in Chennai for people with schizophrenia but are completely normal on medication.such that knowing the illness n its limitations.
It is for a specific
It is for a specific individual. Skill set computer science stream
The easiest way will be to
The easiest way will be to find a job in the general pool and disclose some details about his disability/limitations to his supervisor so that they will remain supprotive.
Alternately if employment can be created in a family firm or someplace where there is a posssible mentor ( another employee who is a friend / relative ) it could work well for the client.
There are no specific job portals available for persons with schizophrenia.
Thank you doctor
Thank you doctor
Thank you for your question
Thank you for your question gpsgps060. Is this for a specific individual ? Can you please share a little bit more about the education and skill of the person with schizophrenia?