Abha Khetarpal felt very strongly about how women with disability do not have access to the basic information on menstrual management. She therefore created the ebooks in English and Hindi.
The number of women with disabilities in reproductive age in India is approximately around 35 to 40 million. Gynecologic health care of women with disabilities has to be comprehensive. They are as likely sexually active as other teenagers or women without disabilities but are at greater risk for forced sexual encounters. They are more likely to live in poverty, due to lack of education and employment. They need appropriate education on hygiene, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and abuse prevention measures.
Going With The Flow
'Going With The Flow', a handbook on Menstrual Management & Hygiene for Women with Disabilities is an educational material. It also contains pictures to make it simpler for women with intellectual disabilities and also tips for mothers and care givers. The book is available in English as well as in Hindi in print version and as well as an accessible e-book
Also available here https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Abha_Khetarpal_GOING_WITH_THE_FLOW?id=ePmRCgAAQBAJ
Abha Khetarpal is President, Cross the Hurdles
Counselor for the students with disabilities
University College of Medical Sciences, (UCMS) & GTB Hospital, Delhi