Comprehensive Sexuality Education is essential for persons with disabilities for their normal sexual development. Living with a disability, chronic illness, or chronic pain doesn’t make a person fundamentally sexually different from anyone.
This self paced online course (currently in English, Hindi expected soon) can be taken up by teens with disabilities, adults with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities and special educators. The curriculum and the course content is based on best practices going on in Comprehensive Sexuality Education in various countries.
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The course includes textual discussions, PPTs, Audio Visual means and You Tube videos to explain about sex, sexuality and easy-to-understand, science-based facts about sexual health. However while designing the course proper consideration has been taken in order to modify the program to allow for information to be understood and learned in a way that is meaningful to them.
The course is absolutely free and is self paced. Those who join the course can complete it at their leisure. There are self check assignments and worksheets with answer which can help the learners check their own understanding of the lessons.
All the lessons have Audio Files attached to them. Many Activities and Worksheets are also Downloadable.
If you are below 18 years in age you will be automatically redirected to course meant for Teens otherwise it will take you the course designed for Adults.
To access the course you have to be a registered user.
To join this Self Paced free course, register at
You can also do the course on the android app, Courses at Cross the Hurdles-A Free Learning App
Same registration works for both desktop website or android app.
If you have any feedback on the course, please leave a comment below or email to us
About Cross The Hurdles
Cross the Hurdles is a cross disability, non profit organization working at various levels. They are into counselling services for persons with disabilities with the main focus on personality development, educational guidance, career development, career exploration and vocational decision making.
They are engaged in producing educational materials for persons with disabilities that disseminates information in all accessible formats. Their online courses are self paced courses which persons with disabilities can join and learn at their own will. The aim of our virtual self paced course intends to use information and communication technology (ICT) to educate and empower persons with disabilities regarding those issues which have otherwise been neglected in a profound way. The courses aims to educate persons with disabilities including those with learning and developmental disabilities through pictures, stories, PPTs, discussion forums and videos.
The non-formal education and career guidance system acknowledges the importance of education, learning and training which takes place outside recognized educational institutions.