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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 11 December 2019

Shalini Mehta who kicked the habit in April, 2019 after smoking for three decades shares tips on how to kick the butt successfully.

I had been a smoker for over 34 years of my life that is two-thirds of my life! At the time of kicking the butt, my life was a prisoner of my habit; it controlled almost all aspects of my life! I was smoking close to 2-3 packets a day! From there to being smoke free, am putting down a few of the things I did or that helped me in my journey of being a non smoker. I hope it helps you or someone you love who is a smoker.

Tips on how to kick the butt successfully:

  1. Initially take it slow; one hour at a time, then move to one day at a time.
  2. Loudly announce your intention to all and sundry ... make sure u do it publicly so failing is an embarrassment. Use social media to your advantage. Additionally, you will be pleasantly surprised how your friends and family rally around you, supporting and encouraging you every step of the way.
  3. Don’t estimate the power of community. Join something like Reddit’s - stop smoking community. It provides you with the solace that you are not alone, there are over 85 thousand people just like you quitting and supporting others who are quitting. 
  4. Download some apps such as QuitNow or Smokefree. They were most helpful. Makes you visualise your gains in health and wealth during your struggles with quitting.
  5. Keep a photo of the person who is your inspiration to give up smoking and each time u get a craving, go to it. For me it was my little baby nephew who was born a year ago.
  6. Change your triggers. It helps to go to a new place if you can such as a friend or relative’s house for the first few days even if in the same city. If you unable to take time off work, then same city is more apt. The aim is to change the environment and daily habits that were smoking oriented for you.
  7. Cleanse your house, remove all ashtrays and air it out totally if you smoked at home. Throw away all your hidden stash of smokes, lighters and even ashtrays.
  8. Initially it is easy to succumb to the urge so avoid hanging out with smoker friends /family till you feel strong enough to handle it.
  9. Remember the cardinal rule - it is never just one Cigarette - they travel in packs!
  10. You may stumble a few times, doesn’t matter, you are human! Don’t allow it to become your failure - use it to strengthen your resolve! If you stumble, pick yourself up, dust off the ashes and rise like a phoenix from the ashes!

*You can be a proud quitter in no time! *

Wed, 12/11/2019 - 19:50