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Submitted by Asha Sarella on 8 November 2017

Asha Sarella, a Bengaluru-based Bharatanatyam dancer, movement therapist, and a counsellor, talks about how her life changed after embracing a vegan diet.

I just finished my dance practice and I feel so good. This was not the case few years ago. I had joint pains, heart burns and I was also overweight. My body would feel heavy, stiff and tired.

I went to a Naturopathy (vegan) doctor with all these concerns; he examined me and asked me to do food testing for 3 days. He asked me to make some food changes, but to me it felt like a complete makeover of my kitchen. Thankfully, there was a testing period, and only after I was comfortable and felt like going ahead, was I to start his diet. He said that more than following his diet, it was important to understand its nuances.

Understanding the Vegan Diet

The first day he asked me eat whatever food I had regularly but to eat with consciousness, chewing slowly and savouring the food.

The next two days I had to taste oily / junk food vs fruits and home cooked food with very little oil. Again the emphasis was on awareness. I had to understand how the food tasted and how the tongue and tummy actually felt. I was surprised to know that banana chips tasted of old oil and felt heavy on the stomach v/s fresh coconut and jaggery that tasted sweet and was enjoyable. Also I was made to realize the difference between sipping fresh fruit juices v/s cold drinks sold in the market. The whole exercise was an eye opener for me. I realized that those drinks with soda didn’t feel good on my tummy as compared to home made fresh juices.

Once I was convinced about the diet, the doctor gave me a list of food to consume and the list of food to avoid.

What to Eat and Avoid

Firstly, I had to totally stop consuming dairy products, sugar, regular cooking oils, white rice and a big NO to coffee and tea. I had to replace white rice with brown / red rice, sugar with jaggery, regular oil with cold pressed vegetable oils. Actually he suggested cooking without oil, but since we are used to at least minimal oil, cold pressed oil was allowed. Initially I found it difficult to abstain from coffee and tea, but I had to choose temptation over health.

I replaced a lot of items in the kitchen. I slowly realized that eating fresh fruits and vegetables and fruit juices were refreshing and healthier. My belly did not feel heavy. I also enjoyed the taste of millets (which I tasted for the first time in my life). In all, it was balanced diet of liquid and solid food, so the tummy felt light and good. Lemon juice was a must every day and of course with physical exercise and relaxation techniques.

My day would start with kashayam, 20 mins of yoga, followed by vegetable juices and fruits. The meal was to be a combination of fruits, lots of green vegetables, protein and carbs.

Amazing Results

In just 5 months I lost 10 kilos. My worries about body aches and heart burns were also completely solved.

Now I am able to do more of dance movements with greater flexibility. I also feel more confident since I have shed weight.

Related Reading: We stopped our Vegan Diet in 6 Months

How to supplement proteins in a vegetarian or even a vegan diet

Please consult a medical professional before you embark on any diet to ensure you are not losing out on any nutrients. 


Sun, 01/21/2018 - 19:13