"I was originally diagnosed with locally advanced cancer, so that means it's advanced within in the chest. Mine was triple negative. It's the most aggressive form of cancer," she said.
Her breast cancer diagnosis came in 2008. She found out about her metastatic breast cancer in January 2011, at 33 years old.
"Two and half years after my original diagnosis, I found another lump," she said as she held back tears.
"It varies from person to person. But my experience has been a bit of a roller coaster, because I'm triple negative so I have less treatment options than some of the other types (of cancer).
"When it's metastatic, it's a different type of journey, 'cause you'll never move on from it. It's a big adjustment to change you're outlook that way. This will be with me for the rest of my life," she said calmly.
"My cancer doesn't define who I am," she said. "Rather than focusing on how I'm dying, I choose to focus on how I'm living, day by day. I make the most of my life, making memories and creating that legacy for my son."