Delhi-based Pushpa Garde is 75 years old and has been ably handling diabetes for the last 25 years, mainly with lifestyle changes and a proper diet, which she has maintained meticulously.
About 30 years ago I had a boil on my breast which was not healing. Out of fear, I went to a Cancer specialist. My blood test was done and the fasting sugar came out to be 196. I was asked to cut down my sugar consumption. So the first casualty was the sweet tea. I stopped taking sugar in my tea. In Mahabharat, Gandhari had tied a piece of cloth over her eyes because her husband was blind. My husband also stopped taking sugar in his tea. Poor fellow followed Gandhari’s path. I was thrilled by this act.
अब हिन्दी में पढ़ें: मैंने डायबीटीज़ का सामना जीवनशैली में बदलाव लाकर किया
I had a sweet tooth but everything changed from that day. But not once did I say, why me? My parents had had no problem. I did not stop sweets cold turkey. Just stopped adding sugar in tea/coffee and stopped cold drinks. I still do take sweets, but spread it out – something like a 100 gm chocolate bar over 10 days or longer. Initially for 5-6 years, I was not on any medication. I started regular walks as well as other exercises.
Pic above: Pushpa Garde and her husband
After about 5/6 years, I started suffering again from the problem of boils. They were not healing properly, so the doctors advised some medicines like Pio M 15Mg (thiazolidinedione antidiabetic) and Glyciphage (contains metformin, an oral antihyperglycaemic medication) tablets, which I took for many years. I would consult my doctors regularly, and they would change my medicines as required. I was also advised to take Amaryl 1 mg (long-acting oral anti-diabetic).
In last so many years, my fasting sugar never touched 150. Only in the year 2000, it went up to 210. This probably happened because I was not so conscious of my diet then as I am now. I immediately called a Yoga teacher, and now for 18 years I am doing regular yogas and pranayams. It has helped me a lot. I decided to fight this lifestyle disease with changes in lifestyle.
I had started eating sprouts, milk, daliya, oats, dry fruits and fruits for breakfast. Regular simple vegetarian meals helped me lead a good life. I had stopped eating meat long back. It had nothing to do with my diabetes diagnosis. I also had a strong will power to control temptation, and would often just taste the sweet, but not eat it really, specially at functions etc.. Because of all the measures I took, my condition of 25 years is under complete control.
My Daily Routine To Control Diabetes:
5 AM : I wake up.
6AM : Go for a walk and do some exercises.
7 AM : A cup of coffee followed by breakfast which comprises sprout, boiled chana, groundnut, etc. or even daliya or oats as well as fruits.
Lunch is simple vegetarian, Indian food.
Evening I take tea and biscuits.
3.20 PM : I again go for a walk.
Dinner is again a simple vegetarian meal.
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Typical portion sizes for lunch and dinner are:
- 2 rotis / sabji/ 1 katori dal/ 1/2 katori dahi / salad or 1 roti if a little bit of rice is eaten.
- Lot of sprouts / and fruit after lunch which is a smaller meal with sprouts / chana/ matar with roti or bread
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