High cholesterol and heart trouble ran in her family. But Varsha Marfatia, 85, didn’t let it control her life, says her grand-daughter Utsa Shah.
Tell us about your grandmother’s condition.
She had high cholesterol leading to angioplasty.
When was she diagnosed?
She was diagnosed with high cholesterol in 1974 when she was 44. She had developed yellow deposits under her eye. She was tested and immediately put on medication. Initially her cholesterol levels were close to 300. After medication, it varied between 196-200.
A few years later, in 1996, she experienced slight pain in her chest and the cardiologist advised her to have an angiography. They detected a block in her arteries, which was cleared with angioplasty and a stent was placed in the artery. She underwent another angioplasty in 2000.
Is there a history of cholesterol in your family?
There is a strong history from her paternal side. Her father expired of a heart attack and her brother had three attacks; he succumbed to the third. The history continues in the family, both her daughters have cholesterol.
What is her present condition?
Currently stable under medication.
Please describe her experience of managing cholesterol.
After she was diagnosed with high cholesterol, she was prescribed Atorvastatin 10mg. The dosage was gradually increased to 40mg. Recently she underwent nephrectomy (kidney surgery) and had complications related to creatinine and calcium, so the dosage was reduced to 10mg.
She eats home-cooked meals low in oil and fats. She is a strict vegetarian. Till she was 80, she used to walk for half an hour every day, now she walks less. She has always been very active and her lifestyle has not really been restricted. She travelled to the US regularly. Till last year she travelled to places like Goa and Jaipur.
Were there any side-effects of the medicines?
None that we are aware of.
Any advice for others in a similar situation?
You have to exercise regularly to avoid blockages in arteries. Follow diet guidelines and eat home-cooked food. You will have to take your medication regularly for life.
What kind of specialists do you consult and how often?
She visits the physician regularly and consults a cardiologist once a year. She is checked for cholesterol and lipoprotein very year.
Has she tried complementary medicine or therapies, like homeopathy or yoga?
She has been practicing meditation since 1986. This has calmed her and she does not get as worked up with her health problems. It has definitely helped her.