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Submitted by PatientsEngage on 2 April 2017


Neha Uttam, a person diagnosed with autism and resident of Independent Living Program, is a staff member at Arunima. Here she recounts in detail her grooming to be self-reliant and the sheer joy of becoming independent.

I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism in 2008. I have been teaching for almost 13 years now. My elder brother inspired me to opt for Independent Living. I learnt about Arunima, the care and rehabilitation centre for autism, in Dehradun from Action for Autism, Jasola Vihar in New Delhi. I had been working there for four years before I got job in Arunima. My Independent Living Program started by joining Arunima as a teacher on 18 April 2016.

I learnt the following things in Independent living with the assistance of my teacher in charge:

  • I learnt how to use the induction cooker to make food. I didn’t feel comfortable using the gas stove as I am afraid of the fire.
  • I learnt how to cut vegetables. It helped me overcome my fear of using a knife.
  • I learnt how to sweep and swab.
  • I learnt how to make my own bed.
  • I learnt how to clean my own toilet.
  • I learnt how to operate the washing machine and dry my clothes.
  • I learnt how to iron my clothes.
  • I learnt how to wash my own dishes after eating and drinking.

All the things that I learnt at the Independent Living Program mentioned above, I am able to do on my own now. I follow a written timetable from the time I wake up in morning till I sleep at night. Independent living is an amazing experience according to me. Anyone who hasn’t experienced it, should go for Independent living. Being independent is a fabulous and marvellous and amazing experience.

Read here: Kids with Autism will grow into Adults with Autism

Fri, 04/14/2017 - 08:06